News Feed
30 September 2023

More than four years have passed since the exhibition, and the American Philatelist asked me about a retrospective, which now is published in the latest issue. Read at this Link.
Jonas Hällström
Ex. Exhibition Manager
31 October 2019

The ANNIVERSARY AT THE VASA, celebrated as STOCKHOLMIA 2019, may now be regarded as concluded with its final report published and presented to The Royal Philatelic Society London as the POSTSCRIPT (PS) handout. Link.
In conjunction with the PS handout, also a second handout, THE PRESIDENT, was launched, honoring Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL as the President of The Royal Philatelic Society London when the celebrations took place. Link.

The two handouts was introduced to the RPSL memberships at the meeting in London on 31 October, where Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström RDP FRPSL also launched the painting named after the celebrations as ANNIVERSARY AT THE VASA.
The painting is made by the artist Jörgen Lönngren (b. 1968), living in Stockholm. Jörgen is a freelance painter, and was asked by Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström RDP FRPSL to depict (with artistic freedom) the very special occasion when the Exhibition Banquet for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 - The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of THE ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY LONDON - took place at the Vasamuseum in Stockholm on Saturday 1 June, 2019. The painting is a personal donation to the Society by Jonas.

ANNIVERSARY AT THE VASA, is hung together with S/S SCANDINAVIAN at the Society’s new home 15 Abchurch Lane in London.
17 August 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Final Report and Statements

The final report in writing is already published as you have seen in The London Philatelist Special Issue #3 (pages 60-77).
In addition to that report the following Final Statements and Report are herewith presented.
7 June 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Launches Press Package with Photos

From beginning to the end of the exhibition and its preparations and performances, Dane Garrod FRPSL was in active service as official photographer to STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Herewith presented is a press package of photos, with applicable captions, from the exhibition days. With reference to STOCKHOLMIA 2019, these photos are allowed to be used for any review of the exhibition.

3 June 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Counted 7,832 Visitors from 51 Different Foreign Destinations

When STOCKHOLMIA 2019 closed its doors on Sunday 2 June, the six days together count 7,832 daily visitors from 51 different foreign destinations.
The largest foreign contingent present was from United Kingdom, followed by the United States of America. Other than those two largest contingents, philatelists from the following 48 origins came: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Nigeria, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay and Åland.
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 targeted to reach 10,000 daily visitors in total, but that target was not reached, Jonas Hällström Exhibition Manager says. However, the audience being truly international, with the majority of the visitors coming from foreign destinations from all over the world, still makes this philatelic exhibition the most international ever performed.
2 June 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Winners Professionally Presented

The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Banquet and Palmarès will in retrospect be referred to as a milestone event for its context. Already in his welcome speech, Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, framed the evening:
Welcome to the VASA Museum – the top-rated tourist attraction in Sweden, and a perfect place for this banquet with its dedication to the history of our hobby and Society.Having our dinner next to this ship from 1628, not only frames this banquet, it also reflects its prominent cause.

This evening is dedicated to the history and traditions in Philately, which we who are active today have an obligation to continue. The palmarès booklet, which will be presented at the end of the evening, will reflect more on these traditions in this context.

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is a milestone event, and an evidence of our commitment to these tasks, and so it has been the vision along the planning and execution phases of this exhibition … This evening will be a long evening, but focused on honouring all exhibitors and their awards, and we have aimed to perform the presentations professionally, efficient and not least with elegance and prestige.
The BEST IN CLASS WINNERS were each and one (9 different) presented by the following recorded film, link.
The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 GRAND AWARD was awarded to the best exhibit in the exhibition. The nine candidates were those awarded BEST IN CLASS. The winner was selected by the judges at the banquet in an open vote.

Follow the live voting by the 28 judges, leading up to the victory by Daniel Ryterband (USA), with his exhibit: A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails.

2 June 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 2 Sunday 2 June

Come to Stockholmia and have your stamp collection valuated for free.
That has been announced several times in major newspapers as Dagen Industri and Dagens Nyheter before and during Stockholmia.
The Global Philatelic Network and the Swedish company Göta Frimärken offer this service in cooperation and the valuation is done by Ulf Stenquist, the owner of Göta Frimärken, in stand 34.
At Saturday 14pm Ulf estimated that he so far had had about 50 clients, almost all of them Swedes. We asked if he had done any particularly interesting finds.
“I have had some genuine, old collections, untouched sine the 90ies or so, but not anything very valuable”.
We overheard when he advised a client about some stamps that are quite valuable printed on thin paper.
“But this is thick paper. It is very tricky.”
The exhibition will close today at 3pm, so you still have time to get your stamps valuated.
2 June 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Palmarès Midnight Update

And the winner is A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Daniel Ryterband, the United States of America.
A short time ago the winner of the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Grand Award was announced at the Palmarés and Banquet in the Vasa Museum – and the winner is Daniel Ryterband, from the United States of America.
Contestants for the Grand Award were the winners of the nine competitive exhibition classes.
As usual the jurors held a closed ballot vote – but that was the end of the standard procedures. In this case the voting was filmed in beforehand. The video was showed on big screens, strategically placed in the museum hall, so all the 700 seated guests could follow the exciting development.
The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Grand Award, sponsored by the Global Philatelic Network, was handed over by Dieter Michelson and Karl Louis to the winner who was celebrated by a round of strong applause.
The palmarès with all results are posted herewith, link.
1 June 2019
Bus to the Vasa Banquet departs at 7 p.m.
Meeting point is outside the Waterfront and hostesses will show you to the bus.
1 June 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 1 Saturday 1 June

Saturday started with a bang!
That was when the hammer fell for lot No. 1 in the two-part auction of Worldwide Rarities, conducted by the Global Philatelic Network.
“I hope that you have looked at your accounts and filled them up” said Dieter Michelson, who led the first part of auction, before the action started.
Lot No. 1 was a block of six of the Stockholmia label with inverted center. The label is printed in 5,000 sheets with 20 labels in each. Only one sheet with inverted centre is known.
This block of six is unique, as it is the largest unit.
The bidding started with a bid in the book at 220 euro. If we spotted it correct, four bidders in the room competed hard for the unique item, and the hammer fell on 3,200 euro to bidder 752, who happened to be the President of the Royal Philatelic Society, Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL.
The block was sold for the benefit of Tomorrow’s Royal so we guess that the President was pleased to receive a substantial contribution to that campaign.
You can read more about the Rarity Auction in the second Special Issue of The London Philatelist that you can pick up for free on Sunday.
31 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 2 Friday 31 May

An important event on Friday afternoon was the signing of The Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, established in 1921 by the Philatelic Congress of Great Britain.
An invitation to sign the Roll is regarded as the world's pre-eminent philatelic honour.
This year four esteemed philatelists had been invited to sign The Roll:
Prakob Chirakiti FRPSL Thailand. He is a specialist in the philately of Thailand and the secretary of the Grand Prix Club. He is the president of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately executive committee for 2017-2021.
Guy Dutau FRPSL France. He is a specialist in the postal history of disinfected mail.
Hany Salam Egypt. He is a specialist in the postage stamps and postal history of Egypt and has been secretary general of the Philatelic Society of Egypt.
Alan Warren FRPSL USA. He has received the Lichtenstein Medal. He is a specialist in the postage stamps and postal history of Scandinavia.

31 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 1 Friday 31 May

At 5pm on Thursday, the Kick-off of the ERIVAN Collection took place in the auditorium. A sizeable crowd attended to hear Mrs. Helga Haub tell the story of how she assisted her husband Erivan in building a great collection of classic philately featuring German States, Austria-Lombardy, United States, Switzerland and several other areas.
The Haubs’ living-room had been recreated on the stage and Mrs. Haub was interviewed by Dieter Michelson and Karl Louis of the Global Philatelic Network. This certainly was a novel way of introducing the sale of a major stamp holding over the next few years. Later today, the signing of the RDP (Roll of Distinguished Philatelists) will take place at the Grand Hotel starting at 4.30 pm in the Hall of Mirrors. Everyone is invited to attend this ceremony.

30 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 2 Thursday 30 May

Is too much going on at Stockholmia?
As we mentioned in yesterday’s update the visitors to the exhibition generally have a choice of four, or even more, different programmes each and every hour during the day.
Will that mean four rooms with only a few listeners in each? That was a bit of a worry beforehand, but that has not been an issue. On the contrary, we have got reports on many well-attended lectures and other arrangements. Reportedly also trade stand holders are happy about having a lot of activities offered to visitors. We all know that many come to a stamp show primarily to find new items for their own collections. Now they can stroll around at dealers, take a break at a lecture or presentation, and come back with fresh mind and make that buy they were thinking about.
This does not mean we advise you not to look at collections and all the other amazing material on display, e.g. rare books from the Tomas Bjäringer Library or Royal Philatelic Society London memorabilia. There is a richness of unique items to examine!
PostNord, one of the partners of Stockholmia, is also satisfied with the commerce so far, Design Manager Martin Pingel reports.
A special Stockholmia issue of the mini sheet “50th anniversary of the moon landing” is printed in 5,000 copies. If you have a subscription of Swedish stamps you will get the mini sheet, otherwise the only chance to buy it is at Stockholmia.
“It will be sold out,” is Martin Pingel’s prediction.

30 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 1 Thursday 30 May

Wednesday evening over 405 guests from different parts of the organisation behind, or in connection to, Stockholmia gathered at Winterviken, 20 minutes bus drive from the exhibition venue at Waterfront Congress Centre.
The dinner was arranged in recognition of Patrons & Supporters, Partners, Exhibitors, Trade Stand Holders, Volunteers and Management Team.
The Philatelic Head Patron Gustaf Douglas RDP FRSPL and his wife Elisabeth were by the Royal President Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL presented with a large format chocolate version of the iconic Three Skilling Yellow, one of the most famous stamps in the world. Maselis told about the reaction from the chocolate artist when he as a model was shown a picture of the stamp to form in chocolate:
“Don’t you have a better copy?”
The Head Patron also received a special gilt version of the Exhibition Medal. President Maselis continued on the chocolate theme and announced gifts in different sizes to every category involved. A car filled with large boxes with these goodies had been driven from Belgium to Stockholm.
The evening concluded with a presentation of the latest part in the Global Philatelic Network book series Edition D’Or: Jan Berg’s FRPSL Private Ship Letter Stamp Issuing Companies up to 1900.
Winterviken is the old factory of Alfred Nobel from 1891, now arranging all kinds of events and parties and run by Markus and Erika Aujalay. Markus is one of Sweden’s most reputed chefs, and has for example managed the Nobel Prize award dinner.

29 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 2 Wednesday 29 May

Today marked the commencement of a very extensive programme of lectures, presentations and congresses. The visitors to the exhibition generally have a choice of four different programmes each and every hour during the day. That is in addition to the 2,000-frame exhibition and the 50 dealers and auction houses present.
At 3pm, the United Nations Postal Administration held an unveiling ceremony for the new Kofi Annan stamp beautifully designed and engraved by Martin Mörck. Speakers at the ceremony included former Swedish foreign minister Jan Eliasson, Mrs Nan Annan and the head of the UN Postal Administration Thanawat Amnajanan.
After the ceremony, Martin Mörck was available to sign the souvenir cards carrying the new stamp.

29 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update 1 Wednesday 29 May

Stockholmia 2019 Update 1 Wednesday 29 May Stockholmia 2019 is now officially opened by His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. The inauguration ceremony started at 11 am with a short introduction by Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström RDP FRPSL.
The President of RPSL Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL followed with a speech characterized by respect, gratitude, honour – and humour. He invited the King to the floor receiving a unique gift: a replica of the Swedish Royal Crown made in chocolate. Then the inauguration speech was held by King Carl XVI Gustaf. The King, for example, mentioned that both his father and grandfather were stamp collectors so philately is a part of the family history.
After the ceremony, His Majesty was taken on a tour, with Jonas Hällström as a guide, to the Global Philatelic Network Mega Stand, the Court of Honour, the Royal Philatelic Society London’s large area with many display cabinets, PostNord and stamp dealer Michael Chipperfield. The tour concluded at the Stockholmia Club with some other very special gifts handed over to the King.
At the inauguration, a number seats were of course reserved for Patrons and invited guests, but otherwise it was open to public.
In the rest of the premises it was business as usual with almost 50 dealers aiming to meet customer’s requests and, mainly, hundreds and hundreds of collections to enjoy.
If you are looking for a special find at the dealers, it is a good idea to be here as soon as possible, and the same goes for enjoying collections because you need many, many hours only to see a part of the exhibits!

28 May 2019
Stockholmia 2019 Update Tuesday 28 May

Over 1000 visitors attended the vernissage.
The red carpet had been rolled out when the exhibition opened for the 3 pm vernissage. At 3.30 pm, RPSL President Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL welcomed the audience to six days of philatelic pleasure. Despite the advantages of Brussels, he said that Stockholm was the ideal place for the celebration of the Royal’s jubilee.
Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström RDP FRPSL thanked all the patrons, sponsors, volunteers and everybody else who have contributed to the show.
The interest was large, over 1,000 visitors packed the exhibition floors and the dealer stands. A representative of the Congress Centre welcomed all guests to the summer restaurant and lounge located in a huge tent set up especially for the duration of the exhibition.
At 4 pm Henrik Mouritsen presented his new book Danish Postal History 1875–1907 to the audience in the auditorium.
For a variety of reasons, a handful of the collections had not been received but they have been replaced by other exhibits that had been prepared in advance.
Also on Tuesday, the Stockholmia Club opened its doors to Patrons, who enjoyed a glass of wine or two, sponsored by Tomas Bjäringer RDP Hon. FRPSL. Jonas Hällström thanked all patrons and especially so the first Patron, the Philatelic Head Patron Gustaf Douglas RDP FRPSL who was greeted with strong applause.
The last one, at the time of writing, to become a Patron is the stamp dealer Michael Chipperfield. Jonas Hällström presented the book about One Penny Black produced by Chipperfield in 100 copies, and donated to RPSL to sell for 100 pounds per book and raise money for the society. It is still possible to become a Patron of Stockholmia and take advantage of the benefits included.

Jonas Hällström opened the Stockholmia Club and gave special recognition to Michael Chipperfield, Tomas Bjäringer and Gustaf Douglas. At the far right Jamie Gough RDP FRSPL.

It was five years ago that Jonas Hällström, Exhibition Manager, came up with the idea of Stockholmia. Now the exhibition really is at home.

The President of the Royal Philatelic Society London, Patrick Maselis from Belgium, held, as usual, a witty speech.
The exhibition opens for the public on Wednesday at 10 am, and one hour later King Carl XVI Gustaf will give the opening speech in the auditorium. Everyone is invited. Make sure to be there in good time!
27 May 2019

At 9am on Saturday 25 May, some 100 volunteers gathered at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. They were all eager to start building one of the biggest stamp events ever in Sweden.

Over the weekend, the 2,000 frames were put into place and work progressed on the dealer stands. When this update is published on Monday afternoon, most of the building work has already been completed. On Sunday, our volunteers began mounting the collections. This work is expected to be completed early on Tuesday. On Monday, Gustaf Douglas’ Golden Collection was mounted, as was the 12-frame exhibit provided by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The volunteers and other staff members have done a great job in creating an exceptional exhibition.

The management team has had about three daily meetings to oversee the organisation of the exhibition. The vernissage is scheduled to open at 3pm on Tuesday 28 May. A few tickets are still available.
20 May 2019

The 2nd World Cinderella Stamp Congress will be held in conjunction with the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 exhibition in the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. The Congress is a free event but all participants need to register and pay the entrance fee to the exhibition. Admission to STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is free to members of the RPSL.
Saturday June 1 (Room 24-25)
10.00 Information stand and Lundy Post Office with special cancel
10.30 LOCALS

- Background to Cinderella Philately (Lars Liwendahl, Sweden)
- “The Amazing Locals of Philadelphia” (Vernon Morris, USA)
- “Göteborgs Stadspost” (Claes Hederstierna, Sweden)
- “Literature and Local Posts” (André Dufresne, Canada)
- Launch of new Lundy Catalogue (Jon Aitchison, UK)
- 1-5-minute displays

- “FIP and Revenue Exhibits” (Ralph Ebner, Germany)
- Spanish Colonies in America and their 1640s revenues” (Ralph Ebner, Germany)
- “Fiscal Philately of the German Colonies” (Harold Krieg, Germany)
- “Swedish Customs Tax Stamps – New Discoveries” (Per Sundberg, Sweden)
- 1-5-minute displays
Sunday June 2 (Room 24-25)
10.00 Information stand and Lundy Post Office with special cancel
10.30 Poster stamps, etc.

- “Elleore – an independent Danish island” (Bernhard Lürssen, Germany
- “Swiss Soldier Stamps” (André Dufresne, Canada)
- “Cataloguing Cinderella Stamps and Labels” (Lars Liwendahl, Sweden)
- “Index for the Bältespännaren magazine” (Andrew Riddell, UK)
- 1-5-minute displays
12.00 Signing of the Maurice Williams Roll of Notable Cinderella Philatelists and presentation of the Glasewald Medal
12.30 Poster stamps, etc. continued
- 1-5-minute displays
- The Future of Cinderella Philately (Lars Liwendahl, Sweden)
Free Gifts
- At each session of the Congress, attendees will receive a selection of free gifts including specialised handbooks, catalogues, magazines and Cinderella stamps.
16 May 2019
Dear Guests – You are Welcome!

Our performance is now extensively visible all over Stockholm: Banners and Posters of all formats welcome you. From this week until Sunday 2 June our upcoming presence cannot be missed.
15 May 2019
*** Breaking News *** STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Information and Program

The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Information and Program brochure is now prepared, launched and herewith presented.
The brochure is 40 pages and contains information and program, addressing all visitors. It will be available for free at the exhibition, in an edition of 8,000, and will be available at the entrance.
The program is comprehensive and ambitious, everybody will be able to find something of interest.
8 May 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Rarity Auction Catalogue Presented

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Philatelic Partner, The Global Philatelic Network, herewith presents the auction catalogue for the Rarity Auction to be conducted at STOCKHOLMIA 2019. Link.
The Global Philatelic Network has been appointed by The Royal Philatelic Society London as their Philatelic Partner for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and is proud to be nominated as the exclusive official auctioneer for the Rarities Auction, comprising Worldwide Rarities.
The Rarity Auction will be conducted at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre on Saturday 1 June at 11.00 am.
1 May 2019
The Program for the ABPS Philatelic Congress Announced

ABPS, The Association of British Philatelic Societies, will held its annual congress at STOCKHOLMIA 2019. The congress is a long tradition and always comprise an important and interesting philatelic program. It will take place on Thursday to Friday, 30-31 May, at the auditorium on level 6-7 at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. The program for the two days is herewith presented.
10.00am | INTRODUCTION and WELCOME by Graham Winters FRPSL Chairman of ABPS. |
10.05 - 11.05am | “THE EVOLUTION OF AN EXHIBIT” by Graham Winters FRPSL Chairman of ABPS. |
11.10 - 11.40am | “EGYPTIAN MARITIME POSTAL HISTORY 1845-1889” by Hany Salam RDP. |
11.45 - 12.45pm | “CHANNEL ISLANDS OCCUPATION” by Gerald Marriner FRPSL Congress Medallist for 2019. |
12.50 - 1.20pm | “THE GROOMING OF A PHILATELIST” by Alan Warren RDP. |
1.25 - 2.10pm | “THE WRECK OF THE SS IBEX” by Jon Aitchison FRPSL Keeper of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists. |
2.15 - 3.00pm | “H.G.WELLS or WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH 4 STAMPS” by Alan Wishart FRPSL. |
FRIDAY 31st MAY 2019 | |
10.00 - 10.05am | INTRODUCTION and WELCOME by Gerald Marriner FRPSL, CHAIRMAN of CONGRESS. |
10.05 - 11.00am | “NORWEGIAN SKILLING COVERS” by Tom Komnaes. |
11.05 - 12.00pm | “MAIL BETWEEN SWEDEN & DENMARK 1658-1874” by Peter Wittsten. |
12.05 - 1.00pm | “SWEDISH POSTAL HISTORY 1939-1948” by Kjell Nilson. |
1.05 - 2.00pm | “ICELAND UNTIL 1901” by Douglas Storckenseldt. |
2.05 - 3.00pm | A SURPRISE GUEST, introduced by Gerald Mariner FRPSL, CHAIRMAN of CONGRESS. |
The congress ends on 31st May. We remind all those here of the UK CONGRESS in YORK at the YORK STAMP FAIR on Saturday July 20th 2019, when Alan Holyoake RDP FRPSL will be showing his “Early Letters”, there will also be the Kay Goodman lecture, and the ABPS AGM.
13 April 2019
The Philatelic Program Updated in its next to Final State
The comprehensive Philatelic Program is now updated in its next to final state. Thanks to Program Manager, Ari Muhonen, STOCKHOLMIA 2019 offers a busy and educational program.
11 April 2019
The Catalogues of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Presented and Launched

After two years of authorships, design work, type setting, proof reading and printing, we have launched the two volumes of the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Exhibition Catalogues. The launch and presentation was conducted at The Royal Philatelic Society London headquarters, at 41 Devonshire Place. The performance was made by Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, supported by Wolfgang Maassen.
The launch of the Exhibition Catalogues was followed by a special meeting day handout (16 pages) printed and presented to all attendees. The handout is a reflection by Jonas Hällström and Wolfgang Maassen, respectively, about the ideology behind the two catalogues.
The launch of the Exhibition Catalogues was followed by a special meeting day handout (16 pages) printed and presented to all attendees. The handout is a reflection by Jonas Hällström and Wolfgang Maassen, respectively, about the ideology behind the two catalogues.

The reviewer cannot remember a second philatelic exhibition for which two such extensive catalogues - one could rather speak of reference books - have appeared. With a total of almost 800 pages, these are available in two versions (soft and hardcover) and set standards in philatelic literature. Numerous advertisers and a great sponsor, namely Alan Holyoake RDP FRPRSL from Great Britain, have made it possible for them to be sold so cheaply. Making the best of it was an obligation for those responsible for this mammoth work - Jonas Hällström for volume 1, Wolfgang Maassen for volume 2.

A Unique Exhibition Catalogue (Catalogue 1)
Catalogue 1, the so-called “Exhibition Catalogue”, already offers more than what is usual for such international events. Of course you will find the complete event program and the list of exhibitors (with a brief description of all exhibits) in it.
The organisation team, the jury and the trade will be introduced. Particularly worth reading, however, are the specialist sections, especially for the actual “birthday child” - the Royal Philatelic Society London will be exactly 150 years old in 2019! - but also Swedish philately.
Christopher G. Harman introduces the patrons of the “Royal”, as the society is briefly called. Karl Louis recalls the historical postal reform of 1839/40 with an extensive review of almost 20 pages, Brian Birch reminds us of the “Fathers of Philately”, Jon Aitchison recalls the “Roll of Distinguished Philatelists” and even the congresses of British Philately receive their appreciation.
In a separate chapter, readers experience insights into the London society that have hardly ever been offered in this density before. Eight original contributions describe the agile life of this admirable association, which is anything but antiquated, dusty or obsolete. Mårten Sundberg, a professional journalist from Finland, proves exactly the opposite with his 40-page report. You learn a lot of things you didn't know: about the museum, the library, the collections, the committee of experts and much more. Sundberg's title “The Center of the Philatelic World” will be easier to understand if you have read this truly unique article.
Back to Sweden. Bengt Bengtsson describes the tradition of large and important philatelic exhibitions in Sweden, Göran Heijtz documents the postal history of Stockholm and Tomas Bjäringer and Jonas Hällström contribute a study about originals and forgeries of the 20/TRETIO ÖRE ERROR.
With its 430 large-format pages, perfectly laid out and richly illustrated, this catalogue is already a highlight. Not to forget the extensive presentation of the unique exhibits in the “Court of Honour”. Exquisite world rarities of philately compete with the collection shown by Alan Holyoake on the “Dawn of Philately”, which goes back to the early years of Great Britain. All this can be enjoyed and admired in this catalogue, as long as you do not visit STOCKHOLMIA 2019 yourself.
How beautiful can philately be? The catalogue gives a clear answer. And with a unit price of 20 euros for this heavyweight exhibition catalogue, the acquisition hurdle should be easy to overcome.
An Exquisite Library Catalogue (Volume 2)
Volume 2, the so-called “Library Catalogue”, is a comparable “unique specimen” (a term that philatelists are familiar with, since it characterizes “uniqueness”).
The name of the catalogue sounds dry and uninviting at first, but this book written by Wolfgang Maassen unfolds its fascination while reading. For one does not only receive profound insights into the philatelic literature published by the “Royal” since 1873 (!), but also well-founded overviews of the titles which the association has awarded with the famous Crawford Literature Medal. Anyone who believes that something like this can also be found on the Internet is quickly misled. What the author documents here - including over 1,300 photos! - are so far unpublished data and facts with short book descriptions, which are however substantial. This book corrects many completely inadequate and incomplete lists, but it also encourages you to collect literature and enjoy its value and beauty.
The reader will be amazed to find out what all counts to the literature of this London Nobel society. Not only the well-known monographs, whose early titles are all rarities today. These include supplements to the association's own magazine “The London Philatelist”, reprints of articles, handouts to displays and meeting lectures at the Society, but also exhibition catalogues and electronic media for which “Royal” is responsible. Mårten Sundberg contributed a list of all known meeting day “handouts”, at least considerably more than 800, a list, which have not yet existed in this completeness.

Both catalogues were designed by Claudia Maassen and Phil*Creativ Verlag in Schwalmtal, numerous philatelists from Germany and abroad enriched the contents with their knowledge and Philip Robinson as native speaker and “final proof reader” ensured that the English-language texts were error-free. In this way, a joint effort was achieved that actually sets standards. This second catalogue, the “Library Catalogue”, also costs 20 Euro in the softcover version.
Contact/reference possibilities
Both softcover catalogues are available together at the reduced price of 35 Euro. For book lovers there is also a hardcover version limited to 300 copies as a set of both catalogues for 75 Euro (these are not available individually).
They can be purchased on site during STOCKHOLMIA 2019 or in advance at the exclusive distributor for all catalogues, Phil*Creativ Verlag in 41366 Schwalmtal, Vogelsrather Weg 27, Tel. ++ 49 /(0) 21 63 / 48 66, e-mail: faktura@philcreativ.de. These catalogues can be ordered on the Internet from the website www.stockholmia2019catalogues.com or from www.philshop.de.
2 April 2019
The Postal Museum in Stockholm Invites you While You are Here

The Postal Museum in Stockholm invites all guests of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 to the museum. During STOCKHOLMIA 2019 they offer:
- Rarely Seen Rarities – a temporary exhibition with philatelic objects from the museum collections.
- A short introduction to the permanent exhibition the Treasure Chamber Wednesday 29 May-Saturday 1 June at 1 pm.
- The Library is open and staffed Tuesday 28 May – Saturday 1 June 11-16.
Find out more at www.postmuseum.se.
25 March 2019
Honoured by Their Own Exhibition Postcards

Addressing three of the target groups for STOCKHOLMIA 2019, each will be devoted its own Exhibition Postcard.
The VISITORS are devoted the special postcard with views from the exhibition and Stockholm and text “HÄLSNINGAR FRÅN STOCKHOLM” / Greetings from Stockholm. The edition is 10,000 cards and will be given to the exhibitors at the main entrance after registration.
The EXHIBITORS are devoted the special postcard with the exhibition medal. The edition is 2,000 cards and each exhibitor being present in Stockholm will receive 4 cards when checking in the exhibit to the Bin Room.
The PATRONS are devoted the special postcard with Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, the exhibition venue. The edition is only 1,000 cards and each Patron being present in Stockholm will receive 4 cards from the exhibition information centre.
The concepts for the three different Exhibition Postcards are developed by Bengt Bengtsson FRPSL, and are designed by STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Art Director, Maria Gadh.
19 March 2019
CLUB DINNER and BANQUET Invitations now with Dress Code

he two main social events are the STOCKHOLMIA CLUB Dinner on the 29th May, and the STOCKHOLMIA BANQUET on the 1 June. All are welcome, and tickets are still offered online at http://www.meetagain-stockholmia2019.se/.
The dress codes for respectively event is:
STOCKHOLMIA BANQUET | Formal (Black Tie/Tuxedo) |
17 March 2019
*** Breaking News *** Inverted Sheet with S/S Scandinavian Found

S/S Scandinavian, the beautiful ship chosen as the key illustration for STOCKHOLMIA 2019, was first presented in late July last year. Soon after its first launch, it was printed in an edition of 5,000 sheets as a Cinderella label and sold for the benefit of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and Tomorrow’s Royal. Each sheet contains 4x 5 = 20 labels.
Recently, a fantastic find was made, as one sheet printed with inverted center was found. The inverted center means that the ship in black in the middle, surrounded by the blue frame, is inverted by 180 degrees.
Following the find, we consulted expert stakeholders of The Royal Philatelic Society, and we have agreed that the inverted sheet of 20 will be split to units.

- Block of 6 as the largest unit
- Block of 4 as the second largest unit
- Horisontal strip of 3
- Vertical Pair
- Horisontal Pair
- Three singles
The block of 6, as the largest unit, will be offered at the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Rarity Auction, conducted by The Global Philatelic Network on Saturday 1 June, at the show. The other units will be offered in due course for the benefit of Tomorrow’s Royal.
Save money for the upcoming bidding on 1 June!
7 March 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 GRAND AWARD Prepared for its Winner

The official venue of the exhibition is Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, with its venue hotel Radisson Blu Waterfront.
In just a few months, on 28 May 2019, the International Stamp Exhibition STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in Sweden's capital Stockholm will open its doors to visitors from all over the world. Everything is perfectly prepared, everything – as they say – is nicely “cut and dried”.

Since last week, the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 GRAND AWARD is on display in the lobby of the hotel. The prize will be awarded to the best exhibit in the exhibition.
The nine candidates will be those awarded Best in Class. The winner will be selected by the 28 judges at the Palmarès, in an open vote. The exhibition comprises nine different competitive classes, or philatelic disciplines.
The best exhibit in each of the nine classes will be awarded the BEST IN CLASS AWARD.

Class 1 | Traditional Philately |
Class 2 | Postal History |
Class 3 | Postal Stationery |
Class 4 | Revenue |
Class 5 | Aerophilately |
Class 6 | Thematic Philately |
Class 7 | Open Philately |
Class 8 | Picture Postcards |
Class 9 | Philatelic Literature |

22 January 2019
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 to be Opened by the King of Sweden

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden will inaugurate the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 exhibition on 29 May 2019. The ceremony will take place in the auditorium at the Waterfront Congress Centre at 11.00 am. The inauguration ceremony is open to the public.
H. M. King Carl XVI Gustaf is Patron of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and H. M. Queen Elizabeth II is Patron of the Royal Philatelic Society London. King Carl XVI Gustaf also opened the successful STOCKHOLMIA exhibitions in 1974 and 1986.
18 January 2019
Two Catalogues to Fall in Love With - Order Now!

In just a few months, on 28 May 2019, the International Stamp Exhibition STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in Sweden's capital Stockholm will open its doors to visitors from all over the world. Everything is perfectly prepared, everything – as they say – is nicely “cut and dried”.
Planned over two years and now nearing completion are the two catalogues that will be published for the exhibition. These will be presented on 11 April 2019 at the Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL), the “birthday” of which this exhibition is dedicated to, in honour of its 150th anniversary. The worldwide dispatch of catalogues will begin on the same day.
The catalogues offer much more than one is used to regarding other events of this kind. With just under 800 large-format pages and an estimated weight of almost 3 kg, they are already making their mark.
Two Volumes – Makes the Set of Catalogues
Catalogue 1 (this is the Exhibition Catalogue) contains information of all kinds typical of exhibitions (including lists of the displays and exhibits), as well as many specialist articles on British and Swedish philately, but also on the history and unique achievements of the London Society, the “Royal”, which is considered to be the oldest in the world. Well-known experts and connoisseurs have given their best under the direction of editor-in-chief Jonas Hällström, who is also head of the event's organising team. The result is a 430-page book that has not existed in this form for a long time, with countless colour illustrations of rarities, unique items and more.
Perhaps this exhibition catalogue has already earned the title of “world class”, but this probably also applies to the second one, which is also something out of the ordinary: the Library Catalogue. It is well known that the “Royal” was and is the Society with what is probably the largest and most valuable philatelic library, which is constantly being expanded and supplemented with new titles. For almost 150 years it has been publishing its own publications, and for almost 100 years it has awarded the oldest literature medal to outstanding titles, the so-called Crawford Medal.
In addition to the over 100 competition exhibits in the literature class at STOCKHOLMIA 2019, which are shown extensively, catalogue author Wolfgang Maassen also dedicates himself to the earlier literature of the “Royal” as well as to all the titles that have been awarded the prestigious Crawford Medal.
More than 300 pages with approximately 1,000 partly unique photos of these valuable publications have come together! This is supplemented by, for the first time, an almost complete list of over 800 titles of the so-called “handouts”, the booklets and papers which were published for the RPSL for lectures and displays by their authors. There has never been such a book before and it is really unique in its own way. Both books were designed and edited by the Phil*Creativ Verlag publishing house in Schwalmtal.
Advance purchases in Gouda and Essen
The print runs and presentation of both catalogues are specified. Both catalogues are available separately at a price of 20 euros in softbound form. For such “mammoth works” these prices are favourable and only possible thanks to the many advertisers and sponsors, above all Mitch & Alan Holyoake RDP FRPSL who is the Catalogue Patron.
The first sale will take place in London on 11 April 2019 at the presentation at the RPSL, followed on 18–20 April 2019 at the Multilateral Exhibition in Gouda, Netherlands. The catalogues will be available there at the large stand of Corinphila Veilingen, the main sponsor, also a few weeks later, from 9 to 11 May 2019 at the 29th International Stamp Fair in Essen, where you can buy the catalogues at the stand of Phil*Creativ Verlag.
There is also the possibility to buy a limited special edition of these catalogues as hardbound volumes - but only as a set - for a price of 75€. When purchasing a set of the two softbound volumes, the price is only 35€ instead of 40€.
These events and opportunities are recommended to all visitors who will be present, because one saves so much expensive postage for the (international) dispatch.
Catalogues Advance Sale for “Early birds”
Of course, all those who are not in London, Gouda or Essen, or perhaps not at STOCKHOLMIA 2019, will also have the chance to purchase these unique catalogues. Exhibitors will only receive them in Stockholm, but of course anyone can also take a look at the catalogues beforehand if they purchase or order them in advance. However, in addition to the prices per catalogue or catalogue set, the shipping costs for postage and packing must then be taken into account. Shipping begins on 11 April 2019; orders may be placed on the website www.stockholmia2019catalogues.com from February.
Shipping costs per catalogue/package within Germany: 6€, EU: 11€, NON-EU and rest of the world: 18€.
If you wish to have tracking / insurance, add 2.50€ (Europe) or 4€ (worldwide). For a set double these amounts are due, as these are to be sent only in more costly packaging.
The exclusive distributor for the Catalogues is Phil*Creativ Verlag publishing house at 41366 Schwalmtal, Vogelsratherweg 27, Germany, Tel. ++ 49 / 21 63 / 48 66. The catalogues are not available in bookshops.
Place your order at: www.stockholmia2019catalogues.com.
1 January 2019
Happy New Year with the Presentation of STOCKHOLMIA CLUB

From the very beginning, we have made it easy for The Royal Philatelic Society London membership to financially support the exhibition. They, and other philatelists, have been invited as Patrons and Supporters.
In retrospect, we would not have managed to perform as we will without all Patrons & Supporters. Their extensive and generous financial sponsoring stands for 60% of all the funds. Because of their support we have been able to lay a solid foundation for a successful, privately-organised and funded exhibition.
We have until this is prepared, attracted more than 200 Patrons & Supporters, contributing to the exhibition, thereby ensuring its success. They will all receive the thank you premiums (table 1).
Newsletter Subscription (e-mail) | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Special Listing on the Website | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Special Listing in the Exhibition Catalogue | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Special Listing in the Palmarès | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Frame Honour Plate | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Table 1.
Addressing the STOCKHOLMIA PATRONS, i.e Leadership Patrons, Gold Patrons and Patrons, in addition to the thank you premiums, they will receive the following.
Invitation to membership of the STOCKHOLMIA CLUB | 1 | 1 | 1 |
STOCKHOLMIA CLUB Membership Card | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Exhibition Catalogue | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Invitation to the combined Welcome
Reception and Vernissage on 28 May |
1 | 1 | 2 |
Reserved Seat to the Opening Ceremony | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Express Pass to STOCKHOLMIA "Court of Honour" | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Invitation to the STOCKHOLMIA CLUB LOUNGE (Lounge Concept presented below) |
1 | 1 | 2 |
Invitation to the STOCKHOLMIA CLUB Dinner | 1 | 2 | |
Invitation to the STOCKHOLMIA BANQUET | 2 | ||
Reserved Seat at all Official Meetings/Ceremonies | 2 | ||
Leadership Banner Presented in the Entrance Hall | YES |
Table 2.

The STOCKHOLMIA CLUB will be located at floor 5. It will be a private club lounge with membership access only. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Leadership Patrons, Gold Patrons and Patrons are cordially invited. The club concept will be a private lounge, with the following included in the membership:
- Daily International and Domestic Newspapers
- Hot Dog
- Wine (Red, Rose or White)
- Beer
- Soft drinks
- Coffee / Tea
- Snacks
- Sweeties
- Pastries
- Fruits
New Patron and/or Supporter memberships are welcome until the show takes off. Join at INVITATION TO BECOME PATRON.
16 December 2018
Wade Saadi RDP FRPSL as New Leadership Patron, Becomes the #200th

The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London, taking place as STOCKHOLMIA 2019, truly is international. The international commitments to financially support the event when it takes place in Stockholm is extensive and generous, reflected through the large group of Patrons and Supporters, now reaching the 200th.
Today, Wade Saadi RDP FRPSL from the United States of America, committed as new Leadership Patron. He becomes number #200 who financially support the organisation of STOCKHOLMIA 2019. Wade was recently heading the organisation of World Stamp Show NY 2016, and so knows very well the hard work behind organising large philatelic events, and the necessity of support and commitments. Thank you Wade for your commitment to STOCKHOLMIA 2019, and congratulations to becoming number 200.
Of the 200 Patrons & Supporters, 54 are from the USA, 45 from Sweden, 29 from the United Kingdom and 19 from Germany. The rest represents 22 different membership countries of The Royal Philatelic Society London. As organisers of STOCKHOLMIA 2019, we perceive this extensive support not only as generous and supportive, but also as a commitment from our memberships around the world that they really want the exhibition to be able to develop, and become a great festivity over the exhibition days. We promise to live up to their, and all other guest’s, expectations.
If you also want to make a financial commitment as Patron or Supporter, please read more at Become Patron.
16 December 2018
STOCKHOLMIA Exceeds 239 Patrons and Supporters

We have made it easy for all Philatelists around the world to participate in the crucial criteria for getting the exhibition to happen – to give financial support. It is this support which makes this exhibition possible and every contribution is very valuable. Your contribution makes you a Patron or a Supporter to STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Proudly we can now report that we have reached 239 Patrons and Supporters from around the work.
PATRONS | 72 |
239 |
Australia | 6 |
Bahamas | 1 |
Belgium | 6 |
Canada | 3 |
Czech Republic | 4 |
Denmark | 2 |
Estonia | 1 |
Finland | 1 |
France | 3 |
Germany | 23 |
Hong Kong | 4 |
India | 2 |
Italy | 5 |
Japan | 1 |
Luxemburg | 1 |
Netherlands | 2 |
New Zeeland | 1 |
Norway | 5 |
Poland | 2 |
Portugal | 2 |
Slovenia | 1 |
South Africa | 3 |
Sweden | 52 |
Switzerland | 10 |
Thailand | 1 |
United Kingdom | 35 |
USA | 59 |
Åland Islands | 1 |
239 |
More Patrons and Supporters are welcome to join. Find more information here on the website on this link.
14 December 2018
The Beautiful STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Exhibition Medal in its Final Presentation

Philatelic events are recognized typically by three characteristics: positive personal memories that propel people to talk about those experiences for years afterwards; the impressiveness of the keepsake of the exhibition medal; and what was printed and published before, during and after. The organizing committee is attended to all three characteristics, laying the best of plans to achieve high scores on all of them.
Regarding the exhibition medal for STOCKHOLMIA 2019, we have invested a lot, from beginning to end. The choice of the designer, his design of the medal, the formats and size, form and shape, and its final presentation.

Thanks to Sebastian Schildt, the medal designer, we are able to present an exhibition medal which will talk for itself with a blending of British and Swedish elements.
Read more about the medal and awards at Medal & Awards
12 December 2018
Founding Fathers of the RPSL to be Celebrated at STOCKHOLMIA 2019

On each day of the exhibition, one of the Founding Fathers of the RPSL will be celebrated starting with Sir Daniel Cooper (1821-1892) on Vernissage Day (28 May 2019). After a long career in business in New South Wales, Sir Daniel returned to England where he began a stamp collection in 1862. When the society was formed on 10 April 1869, Sir Daniel became its first president. He also presented the very first paper titled Earliest Sydney Stamps and Proofs of the Sydney Views. He was also the first collector to show the famous Hawaiian “missionaries” in England. In 1877, he sold his collection to Philipp von Ferrari for £3.000.

The second day (29 May) is devoted to James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of Crawford (1847-1913). He began a serious collection of stamps in 1899 working closely with Stanley Gibbons Limited. He enjoyed adding artist’s drawings, essays and proofs to illustrate the development of a stamp issue. The Earl sought the King’s permission to use the word Royal in the society’s name in 1906. He also assembled a huge philatelic library which was later bequeathed to the British Library.

On the third day (30 May), the focus is on Frederick Adolphus Philbrick (1835-1910). He began collecting stamps in the late 1850s and it was Philbrick who proposed the formation of the Society in 1869. He served as the Society’s second president and allowed the Society to use his chambers (legal office). In 1883, he instituted the tradition of having an annual dinner. In 1882, his extensive worldwide collection was sold to Ferrary for £8.000.

Dr. Charles William Viner (1812-1908) will be particularly remembered on 31 May. He started collecting stamps in 1859 and compiled some of the earliest catalogue listings. He frequently sent off as much as £5 to postmasters all over the world asking them to mail him the latest issues. In the 1860s, he edited a number of philatelic magazines. It was Viner who proposed that the Society should publish monographs on the stamps of all countries.

Thomas Keay Tapling (1855-1891) is still widely remembered today as he bequeathed his enormous collection to the British Library where parts of it are available for inspection. He studied law but had to take over the very profitable family business in 1882. From then on, he was a wealthy man and had enough free time to indulge in his stamp hobby. In 1890, he chaired the committee that organised the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the postage stamp. Tapling will be celebrated on 1 June 2019.

On the last day of the exhibition, Marcellus Purnell Castle (1849-1917) will be in the limelight. He hardly ever missed a society meeting for the last 40 years of his life. In January 1892, Castle produced the first issue of The London Philatelist, the magazine that he then edited until his death in 1917.

It is only fitting to remember all these pioneers when the RPSL is now celebrating its sesquicentennial.
10 December 2018
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 List of Displays and Exhibits Published

Naturally, the main event of the exhibition is the philatelic and literature displays and exhibits on show. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will fill more than 2,000 frames, comprising Court of Honour, Non-Competitive Displays, and Competitive Exhibits.
After more than 6 months’ hard work with the acceptance procedures, we herewith launch the following lists of participation on show:
With this publication follows also the updated floor plans of Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 allocates all four levels of the venue. The above displays and exhibits are also to be found on all four levels. Maps of all four levels are to be found here.
- Non-Competitive Displays, and Competitive Exhibits on the main floor (level 4)
- Court of Honour on levels 5 and 3
- Competitive Exhibits on level 2
- Philatelic Literature in the STOCKHOLMIA LIBRARY on level 3
Statement by the Commissioner General

As Commissioner General I am very pleased with the outcome of all received applications from members all over the world. The exhibits span over all classes, time-periods and areas, as well as all imaginable themes within philately and it is with great joy that I present all the exhibits below.
Beside the literature class, that is presented in volume 2 of the catalogue, there are more then 350 exhibits from 43 different countries, representing members from all continents.
When the application period ran out on 30 April 2018, we had received applications to fill more frames than we had available in the exhibition halls, and even more applications arrived later on. All members that had applied within the time limit have had their exhibits accepted except in some cases were only one full frame exhibit from the same applicant was accepted. A very small number of the later received applications have also been accepted.
I am very pleased that so many of the members of the Royal Philatelic Society London will show their exhibits at STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and also that so many of you already have made plans to personally visit the exhibition. When corresponding with all of you, I have met many new philatelic friends that I really look forward to meet in person in Stockholm. You and all other are most welcome, see you at STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Jan Berg
30 November 2018
The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Commemorative Handstamps

Each day of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will present a daily handstamp by PostNord. The first handstamp will be used at the vernissage day on 28 May, followed by five different handstamps for each of the public days 29 May to 2 June, 2019. The first public day will have the same design in two different version from STOCKHOLM respectively KØBENHAVN.

All six designs are drawn by the Swedish philatelist Bengt Bengtsson FRPSL, active in philately since the 1960’s, former President of the Swedish Thematic Association, and a FIP accredited jury member since 1986. Bengt is interested in design of commemorative handstamps, and to make them highly attractive addressing thematic and topical collectors. Bengt’s first design proposal for a pictorial, commemorative handstamp was accepted by the Swedish Post Office already in 1963. Since then, he has been the originator and designer of 50 handstamps, many of them used for philatelic exhibitions and events in Sweden.

Bengt Bengtsson has prepared the following presentation of each handstamp and its design.

28 May
The Royal Philatelic Society London was established in 1869 as The Philatelic Society, London. Permission to use the prefix Royal was granted by His Majesty King Edward VII in 1906. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is the International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the RPSL. Its logotype with the year of establishment is shown in the handstamp of the Vernissage Day.

29 May
Just a few minutes from Stockholm City, at Winterviken, Alfred Nobel established a dynamite factory in 1891. These premises now are extraordinary banqueting halls where an official dinner to honour Partners, Sponsors, Patrons, Exhibitors, Trade Stand Holders and the Jury will be held this day.

30 May
In 1852, the British Steamer Scandinavian began to carry mail between Hull and Gothenburg. It is the center image of a cinderella label, designed by the artist and engraver Martin Mörck, presented at STOCKHOLMIA 2019. On top of the foremast is the postal flag of the Union of Sweden and Norway, used 1844-e1897. It is shown in detail on the handstamp of this day.

31 May
Drottningholm Palace is on UNESCO’s World Heritage list and the residence of the Royal family. On the handstamp of the day the central clock tower is shown, as it was in 1692 according to an illustration in the famous topographical publication Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna (“Ancient and Modern Sweden”), first issued in 1716.

1 June
The Swedish warship Vasa foundered into its maiden voyage in 1628. It was salvaged with a largely intact hull in 1961 and is now housed in the Vasa Museum where the STOCKHOLMIA Official Banquet and Award Ceremony will take place this day. The handstamp depicts a vase (fascine), a heraldic symbol on the coat of arms of the noble House of Vasa, from a wooden sculpture onboard the ship.

2 June
The first issue of Swedish postage stamps in 1855 depicts a crowned coat-of-arms. This is also to be found on the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 exhibition medal, made by the famous silver designer Sebastian Schildt. The handstamp emphasizes that the medals are presented to the exhibitors this day, which is the final day of the exhibition.
9 November 2018
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in Partnership with AIR FRANCE and KLM

We have for a long time strived to achieve a partnership with an airline company, addressing our flying in visitors and guests. Thanks to Meetagain, our dedicated partnership team for destination management in connection with STOCKHOLMIA 2019, we have finally reach such an agreement.
With 7 months until we open our doors, we proudly present a new partnership with AIR FRANCE, KLM. Use their code and receive attractive discounts, up to -15%, on a wide range of public fares on all AIR FRANCE, KLM and their code-shared flights worldwide.
Access directly by clicking here and book your flight now!
Event: Stockholmia 2019
ID Code: 34368AF
Travel Valid Period: 22/05/2019 to 09/06/2019
Event location: STOCKHOLM
Frequent flyer/loyalty programs of Air France and KLM partner airlines are credited with “miles” when Air France or KLM flights are used.
6 November 2018
If You didn’t Know: 200 hours of information!

Visitors to the exhibition will have a very large choice of activities. Some 200 hours of seminars, congresses, lectures and round table discussions have already been announced.
Level 3 of the Waterfront Congress Centre has been reserved for the activities of the RPSL and the exhibition’s library. The RPSL Expert Committee will be on hand to demonstrate its important work of examining philatelic items in order to issue certificates of authenticity. There will also be a number of displays from the Society’s collections as well as the President’s display. This is also where visitors will be able to see a unique display of RPSL and Crawford Medal winning literature. The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Library, organised and run by the AIJP (Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques), will allow visitors to personally discover the philatelic literature that has been entered in the exhibition. The AIJP is also preparing an extensive programme of lectures, presentations and launches of new books.
The RPSL will offer a series of 3 PM lectures starting on May 29 with Mr. Scott Trepel discussing the legendary Pony Express. On May 30, Mr. Henk Slabbinck will talk about French Presence in India and on May 31, Mr. Eddies Bridges will present a lecture with the intriguing title of The Darmstadt Trials of the Union of South Africa: Controversy and Intrigue! Mr. John Barwis concludes the series on June 1 with a talk on the Maritime Mail Routes from Victoria.
The philatelic programme has been subdivided into four sections: Philatelic Seminars, Congresses and Society Meetings, Current Trends, Hot Topics and Master Classes.
The Congress of the ABPS (Association of British Philatelic Societies) will take place on May 30-31. The topic for the Congress is The Future of Philately, a most important subject that certainly needs to be addressed.
A World Cinderella Stamp Congress (June 1-2) will introduce local post stamps, revenues and poster stamps to the attendees.
The IFSDA (International Federation of Stamp Dealers Associations) and the AEP (European Philatelic Academy) will also organise meetings during the exhibition period.
On Saturday June 1, the Global Philatelic Network, the philatelic partner of STOCKHOLMIA 2019, will hold its STOCKHOLMIA Rarity Auction.
Under the general title Current Trends, experienced exhibitors and speakers will introduce all FIP classes.
Hot Topics is a series of presentations discussing a large variety of worldwide subjects including how to prepare a successful PowerPoint presentation. The exact programme will be announced later.
The Master Classes section is directed at those advanced philatelists who would like to develop a gold medal collection into a large gold medal exhibit. These are round table discussions limited to a maximum of 12 participants each.
Many of these programmes have already been listed on the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 home page but we can expect many more additions over the coming months. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the hobby of stamp collecting at all levels.
There will undoubtedly be something for everyone!
5 November 2018

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will include a comprehensive program addressing literature and philatelic publishing. One of the releases is this new and important census by Staffan Ferdén, Sweden.

If you are interested to study an excerpt from the four volumes, download it on this link.
If you are interested in ordering, do it at https://www.philea.se/ferden/.
3 November 2018
India Prepares for STOCKHOLMIA 2019

On 21st October, 2018 (Sunday) RPSL Representatives Markand Dave FRPSL, Ramu Srinivasa, Kapil Gogri and Chaitanya Dev (President of Karnataka Philatelic Society) had organised Bangalore Philatelic Seminar under Patronage of The Royal Philatelic Society London, which was attended by 75 Philatelist and 5 school students were invited as special guests.
Seminar started at 9.30am with lighting the lamp in traditional Indian way to Inaugurate the function which followed by welcome speech from Chaitanya Dev and Markand Dave FRPSL.
Chief Postmaster General of Karnataka Circle Mr. Charles Lobo was invited as a special guest and he released a special cover for the occasion.
We also had a book release function of Chaitnya Dev's book on French India Stamps, The book was released by Markand Dave FRPSL, Frank Walton RDP FRPSL, Chris King RDP FRPSL, Birthe King FRPSL, Kapil Gogri, Ramu Srinivasa, Dr. (Mrs.) Sita Bhateja and Mrs. Damyati Pittie FRPSL
The Program continued with video messages from 1) Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL President of RPSL and 2) Jonas Hallstrom RDP FRPSL, Chairman of Stockholmia 2019
Renowned speakers were invited and welcomed on the stage.
- Frank Walton RDP FRPSL for speech on Traditional Philately
- Chris King RDP FRPSL for speech on Postal History
- Brithe King FRPSL for speech on Open Philately
- Rajeskumar Bagri for speech on Thematic Philately

A special gift from RPSL Representatives and RPSL members of India was presented to RPSL on its 150th Anniversary which was received by Chris King, Frank Walton and Birthe King. The gift was a replica of Gandhi's spinning wheel, as it is 150th Birth Centenary of Gandhi as well. This was prepared by Kapil Gogri.
In the end we all gathered for a group photograph.
Markand D Dave FRPSL
29 October 2018
London 2020 - FIP Patronage and Stockholmia now within qualification period

London 2020 will be held from Saturday 2 May 2020 to Saturday 9 May 2020 at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London. The show has FIP patronage, as well as patronage from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
There will be 2,750 frames of competitive material. As at London 2010 there will be a change-over of material in the frames after four days. The competitive classes will be: Championship, Traditional, Postal History, Aerophilately, Revenue, Postal Stationery, Thematic, Literature (including digital), Open, Modern, Picture Postcards and Youth. This will be a true international exhibition, with over 60 countries having already appointed commissioners.
The cut-off date for applications has now been set as 30 June 2019 – which means that exhibits achieving the required standard at the Spring Stampex 2019, Perth 2019, Stockholmia 2019 and China 2019 exhibitions will all qualify for applications to be made. The IREX is now being finalised and will be posted to the exhibition’s website www.london2020.co as soon as possible.
If you want to be kept informed, please sign up via www.london2020.co/mailchimp/ to receive newsletter updates about the progress of the Exhibition and receive important announcements as they are made.
Frank Walton RDP FRPSL
Chairman, London 2020 Organising Committee
London 2020 at the BDC, 2 - 9 May 2020
20 September 2018
The London Philatelist, STOCKHOLMIA Special Edition No. 1 and No. 2

Two special editions of The London Philatelist of the Royal Philatelic Society London will be published during the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 exhibition. The 24-pages issues will come out on 31 May respectively on 2 June, and they will be distributed to visitors of the exhibition, which will include members and guests of the RPSL, philatelists from all over the world, as well as local visitors. The editions of each issue will be 2,500.
The special editions will concentrate on the exhibition, reporting about the events of the day before, with a good number of people and pictures, and giving ideas of what is happening next.

The Editor of the special issues will be Dr. Seija-Riitta Laakso FRPSL, the Editor of The London Philatelist. Christer Brunström and Mårten Sundberg will work as co-editors, and Dane Garrod FRPSL as the photographer.
13 September 2018
Announcement of the Jury

At the deadline for applications to STOCKHOLMIA 2019, the international celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London, 2,022 frames of exhibits and displays will be accepted. 86% of the frames will comprise competitive exhibits, 14% will comprise non-completive displays.
- More than 300 individual philatelic displays
- 87 philatelic literature entries
- The philatelic displays and literature exhibits represent 368 Fellows and Members of the Society, from 44 different countries
Coinciding with with the acceptance of the exhibit and displays, we have invited the international jury, representing 14 different countries: Australia (2), Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Denmark (3), Finland (2), Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden (4), United Kingdom (5) and USA (4). The President of the Jury will be Lars Engelbrecht RDP, Denmark, with Peter Nordin, Sweden, acting as Secretary to the Jury.
President of the Jury | Engelbrecht RDP, Lars | Denmark |
Secretary to the Jury | Nordin, Peter | Sweden |
Bengtsson, Bengt | Sweden | |
Brown, Gary | Australia | |
Cheung, Andrew | Hong Kong | |
Cruz, Santiago | Colombia | |
Gough RDP, James Peter | USA | |
Groom, Malcolm | Australia | |
Hamberg, Erik | Sweden | |
Harman RDP, Christopher G. | United Kingdom | |
Hedley, Bill | United Kingdom | |
Läge, Damian | Germany | |
McCann RDP, Peter P. | USA | |
Moubray RDP, Jane | United Kingdom | |
Mouritsen, Henrik | Denmark | |
Muhonen, Ari | Finland | |
Mäkinen, Jukka | Finland | |
Sato RDP, Koichi | Japan | |
Schlichter, Andreas | Argentina | |
Schumann RDP, Stephen D. | USA | |
Slettebö, Hallvard | Norway | |
Smith, Michael | United Kingdom | |
Suhadolc, Peter | Slovenia | |
Svendsen, Lars Peter | Denmark | |
Verge, Charles | Canada | |
Walker RDP, W. Danforth | USA | |
Walton RDP, Frank | United Kingdom | |
Ydell, Fredrik | Sweden |
The selection is based on certain criteria and the jury is approved by the Council of The Royal Philatelic Society London in coordination with the ABPS (Association of British Philatelic Societies Ltd.).
Criteria for selecting the Judges
- Jurors from around the world
- Very experienced in judging
- Fact based judging (not emotions and intuition)
- Interested in – and good at – feedback to the exhibitors
Goal set for the STOCKHOLMIA Jury work
- Exhibitors at STOCKHOLMIA 2019 experience fair judging and very competent feedback
- In retrospect everybody will talk about this as the best jury ever at an international exhibition
Feedback to exhibitors
- STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will allocate time during the jury work to prepare feedback in order to make sure that the feedback to the exhibitors is really good
- The Jury Team Leaders will give an open/public presentation to exhibitors on general observations (mistakes) and suggestions (to be done before the individual feedback)
- The exhibitors will have the opportunity to get individual feedback
7 September 2018

Further highlighting the international ties of the exhibition, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Green as the Canadian Ambassador for STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Chris is a full-time dealer in fine and rare stamps, postal history, historic documents, and manuscripts. He began his professional philatelic career following several years as a senior advisor to Canada’s Minister of International Trade and Minister of Foreign Affairs. While Chris deals in all manner of philatelic material, his primary interest lies in classic philately, with a particularly emphasis on Canada and British North America, British Asia and Africa, Germany, and China.
A member of numerous national and international philatelic societies and study circles, Chris is an active and dedicated promoter of philately in Canada. He has served as Vice President of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association; Secretary and Director of the Postal History Society of Canada (PHSC) and Exhibits Chair of the PHSC Symposium; Publicity Chair of ORAPEX, Canada’s largest annual philatelic exhibition; and member of the Long-Range Planning Committee of the British North America Philatelic Society. Passionate about preserving Canadaʼs heritage, Chris has been an invited speaker on the topics of monarchy and Canadian history, and has provided expert commentary for national media.
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to mark a milestone anniversary of the Royal Philatelic Society of London. As a Leadership Patron and Canadian Ambassador, Chris looks forward to encouraging his fellow Canadians, and all collectors, to participate in this historic celebration.
31 August 2018
Martin Mörck Donated S/S Scandinavian to the Society’s New Home

The tradition with RPSL Receptions in conjunction with exhibitions was also followed at MALMEX 18, on 31 August. Jonas Hällström, Exhibition Manager for STOCKHOLMIA 2019, hosted a great reception at Turning Torso in Malmö with not less than 56 Fellows, Members and their Guests in attendance.

Turning Torso is a neo-futurist residential skyscraper in Sweden and the tallest building in Scandinavia. Turning Torso is based on a sculpture by Calatrava, called Twisting Torso, which is a white marble piece based on the form of a twisting human being. It is the first "twisting" tower. The reception was held at the top floor, level 54, offering a fantastic view.

The program commenced with Past President Chris King welcoming everybody. In his speech he addressed the progress with the Society’s new home in London and the future with Tomorrow’s Royal. Jonas Hällström requested help to remind fellow collectors and philatelists around the world, that ALL ARE INVITED TO COME to STOCKHOLMIA 2019 next year.
The Grand Final at the evening was the donation from Martin Mörck to The Royal Philatelic Society London. Martin gave a brief background to the design of S/S Scandinavian, the beautiful ship and key illustration to that the 150th Anniversary Birthday Party is on its way to take place in Stockholm, Sweden.
The illustration of S/S Scandinavian is as previously presented, designed by Martin Mörck, famous engraver of postage stamps and banknotes. http://www.martinmorck.se. Martin gave the framed, original art-work to the Society, to be displayed at a prominent place in the new building when opened at 15 Abchurch Lane next year. Chris King received the painting and expressed his thanks from the Society.
The values of Martin Mörck’s commitments for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 are extensive, as he is also a Leadership Patron to the exhibition.
All attendees received the Handout #4 in the Stockholmia Series, authored by Brian Birch: Philatelic Pseudonyms – Hiding The Identity Behind a Nom de Plume or Pseudonym.
31 August to 2 September
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Performance at MALMEX 18

The past weekend, from 31 August to 2 September, the annual national exhibition in Sweden was conducted as MALMEX 18. The venue was Malmömässan (Malmö Fair Grounds), with 500 exhibition frames and 24 trade stands participating. With less than 9 months to STOCKHOLMIA 2019, this event was a good opportunity for us to address statements in line with our campaign plan.

The large STOCKHOLMIA stand (30 m2) was located at prime position as the first from the entrance.

The main activity in the stand was generally to brand our Society, The Royal Philatelic Society London, being the centre of excellence for philately in the world. Thanks to our Museum Curator, Juliet Turk, a fantastic display of medals from our Society Museum was presented in a large cabinet. Corresponding to the display of the medals, they are presented in bulletin 2 through the presentation article authored by Juliet. Link to article.

The prime target groups for our performance were to meet and connect with potential visitors to STOCKHOLMIA 2019. We address to one and everybody – COME – ALL ARE INVITED. Our destination partner, Meetagain, was there to present our destination offers. Meetagain was represented by Caroline Knies and Martina Käck.
Finally, for the conductance of STOCKHOLMIA in 2019, we are dependent on volunteers. Mats Söderberg, Logistic Manager for the exhibition, was on site the whole weekend, and he could count 25+ volunteers signing up for the logistic work next year.
28 August 2018
Stefan Falkland Heijtz Commits as Pilot Patron for the Large Library at STOCKHOLMIA 2019

Left to right: Stefan Heijtz, Princess Anne, Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence.
Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre comprises 14,000 m2 of meeting and exhibition spaces, of which we will use every square meter. Our society’s space for branding, displays and other performances will be located at level 3 of the exhibition. Link to Floor Plan.
As part of the society’s stand on level 3, we will design a replica of the Large Library from our current premises at 41, Devonshire Place, in London. The Large Library at STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be an area with 20 seats allocated for fellows and members of the Society. As in London, fellows and members will be served tea or coffee together with biscuits.
This development has been granted a Pilot Leadership Patronship from Stefan Falkland Heijtz FRPSL from Sweden. Stefan is a lifelong professional philatelist, and currently one of the most advanced exhibitors from Sweden. He is recognised internationally as the leading specialist in Falkland Islands philately, as well as the author, publisher and editor of the unique specialised catalogue The Specialised Stamp Catalogue of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies.
In 2013, Stefan acquired the oldest remaining post office building in the Falklands, the Old Post Office House at Fox Bay. Over the past five years this historic building has been fully restored, with the rooms that previously functioned as the settlement’s post office converted into the Post Office Museum of the Falkland Islands. This Museum was honoured with a visit by Princess Anne in 2016 (see above right). Stefan has bequeathed the entire property to the National Trust of the Falkland Islands.
Thanks to Stefan’s commitment as Pilot Patron for the Large Library at
STOCKHOLMIA 2019, our membership finds another reason to feel home when
visiting the exhibition.
24 August 2018
RPSL Reception and Dinner in conjunction with the APS StampShow

I am pleased to report that our RPSL Reception and Dinner in conjunction with the APS StampShow in Columbus, Ohio on August 8th was a tremendous success. We had 84 members, fellows and guests in attendance. The previous RPSL event at APS StampShow in 2017 had 65 attendees. The theme for this year was all things Swedish. This theme included Swedish chocolates awaiting all attendees at their tables plus a surprise edible products of Sweden gift bag for everyone at the conclusion of the evening.

Toasts given by:
- To Philately - Tim Hodge, Senior Editor of the Scott Catalog
- To the Society - Alex Haimann
- To our Patron, Queen Elizabeth - Juan Farah's grandson JJ - the youngest attendee at the dinner!
- Presentation about Stockholmia 2019 by Alex Haimann
- Briefing on US activities for RPSL 150th Anniversary given by Eddie Bridges
- Briefing on the new RPSL building, closing remarks and thanks by Cheryl Ganz
It was an honor to once again coordinate a RPSL reception and dinner function at APS StampShow, the largest annual exhibition held in the U.S.

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Haimann
2 August 2018

Bulletin 2 is herewith presented, with 88 pages content and the key message to everybody: COME – ALL ARE INVITED!
The bulletin will be mailed to all Fellows and Members together with The London Philatelist. The total edition is 5,000 and will reach out to philatelists all over the world.
The content is very informative and comprises two main articles, and plenty of information about the events at the exhibition. The key message for now is to convince all to come for these events.
The bulletin contains invitations to all Social Events at STOCKHOLMIA, and many offers on accommodation alternatives at the destination during the weeks coinciding with the exhibition.
Bulletin 2 can be reached already now for reading online: Link to bulletin 2.
1 August 2018
S/S Scandinavian Released as Cinderella Label

S/S Scandinavian, the beautiful ship and key illustration to symbolize that the 150th Anniversary Birthday Party celebrating The Royal Philatelic Society London is on its way to take place in Stockholm, Sweden, is today released and available as Cinderella Label.

The illustration of S/S Scandinavian is designed by Martin Mörck of Sweden, who took inspiration from two sources: 1) an oil-painting of S/S Scandinavian which is in the possession of the Naval Museum in Karlskrona; 2) the engraving from 1922 by Turner for Jamaica and printed by De La Rue in two operations (black and blue) by recess printing.

The Cinderella Label with S/S Scandinavian is printed in sheets of 20 labels (4x 5), are self-adhesive and the total edition is 5,000 sheets (100,000 labels).
Orders of the sheet is online through The Royal Philatelic Society London, for the retail price of GBP 10.00: Link.
30 July 2018
S/S Scandinavian is Launched

When the Thames-Hamburg packet contract expired on 30 November 1853 and was not renewed, the direct sea route from British east coast ports was re-established and the overland route through Belgium and Hamburg revived to become the “normal” route. In 1850 the paddle steamer Courier began to carry mail between Hull and Gothenburg as did the British steamer Scandinavian in 1852.
Scandinavian was a beautiful ship and so it’s chosen as key illustration for the onward communication and marketing of STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Scandinavian is herewith launched to illustrate the that the 150th Anniversary Birthday Party celebrating The Royal Philatelic Society London is on its way to take place in Stockholm Sweden.
The illustration of Scandinavian is designed by Martin Mörck of Sweden, famous engraver of postage stamps and banknotes. http://www.martinmorck.se.
If you want to read more about early mail and mail connections between Great Britain and Sweden, read the handout which was presented at the STOCKHOLMIA reception in London on 16 February 2018. Link to Handout #3.
22 July 2018

Recently we launched the 3rd design of the advertising campaign, where we address that all are invited to STOCKHOLMIA.
Our campaign is translated to several languages, now also in Chinese.
16 July 2018
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Accepts 2,022 Frames

As previously announced (by 30 April), at the deadline for applications to STOCKHOLMIA 2019, the international celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London, the 2,000 available frames were oversubscribed.
The exhibition attracted applications from a number of none members of the Society, and no one of them will be accepted.
After review of all applications, the Commissioner General Jan Berg can make his first statements on the acceptance process:
- More than 300 philatelic displays will be accepted, comprising 2,022 frames in total.
- 138 philatelic literature entries will be accepted.
- The philatelic displays and literature exhibits represent 368 Fellows and Members of the Society, from 44 different countries.
- A number of members have applied to participate with several exhibits. We can now guarantee that all members who have applied are guaranteed to exhibit all their exhibits, with the exception that members with applications for several full frame exhibits (5-8 frames) might only have one of the full frame exhibits accepted.
The fourth statement above is the currently most important – in fact it means that all applicants can proceed with travel arrangements and other reservations for the exhibition.
The Commissioner General will proceed with the finalisation of the acceptance process and the final acceptance will be sent individually to all exhibitors by the 31 August at the latest.
8 June 2018
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 3rd Advertising Campaign Launched

With less than a year to the exhibition, advertising that all are invited to come is important, and so that is the slogan on or next advertising campaign.
The attached advertisements are free to use for anyone having space for us.
6 June 2018
First Draft of The Philatelic Program Presented

There will be a smörgåsbord of meetings, presentations on different topics and other activities to enable and encourage philatelists to socialize with each other. Some novel concepts are being planned right now to create an atmosphere of fun and excitement for everyone around philately as our social connection, using some of the most modern technologies and techniques to engage attendees.
The philatelic program at the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 exhibition offers close to 200 hours full of information. It covers all kinds of philatelic classes as well as Cinderella. Although the emphasis is on competitive philately (exhibition), it also offers information to non-exhibitors. You can deepen your expertise on your own philatelic assets or look for new challenges.
The philatelic program is herewith presented.
24 May 2018

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be open for five days, from Wednesday 29 May through Sunday 2 June, 2019. Our visitors are invited to attend this gathering as the emphasis in this exhibition is social; sharing ideas, stories and personal material as well as meeting old friends and making new ones.
The sale release of the tickets to the Social Events has now commenced.
The tickets
are offered as an integral part of the registration process online at http://www.meetagain-stockholmia2019.se.
Philatelists, “Early Birds” and Visitors to the exhibition are welcome to register for the Pre-Opening Party (the Vernissage) on the evening of Tuesday 28 May, from 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m..




7 May 2018
PostNord takes a Stand at STOCKHOLMIA 2019

PostNord AB, the two merged postal companies Posten AB (Sweden) and Post Danmark (Denmark) that were officially merged in 2009, has signed an agreement with STOCKHOLMIA 2019 on their participation at the exhibition.
PostNord will take a big Trade Stand on level 4 at the exhibition, more precisely next to the main entrance and the cafeteria. Follow the link to the Floor Plan.
PostNord will appoint a Project Manager for their participation and jointly, STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and PostNord, we will develop the participation, the program and the events. More information will follow in due course.
5 May 2018
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Oversubscribed at the Close of the Applications!

On 30 April, the application time for submitting entries to the display and competitive classes for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 ran out. As organizers we offered a maximum 2,000 frames, and so now we can tell that we are oversubscribed.
We have received more than 400 applications representing some 40 membership countries of The Royal Philatelic Society London. Jan Berg, the Commissioner General, will immediately review all applications and start the acceptance process. It is anticipated that all exhibitors will be notified before the 31 August about their accepted exhibits.
We are working together with Meetagain as Destination Partners and the ONLINE registration for admission and accommodation is already open: www.meetagain-stockholmia2019.se. Up to 31 December Meetagain are able to offer web-prices on accommodation during the exhibition week.
14 March 2018
The Three STOCKHOLMIA Handouts Available Online

Three international STOCKHOLMIA receptions have been organized. To each reception, a special handout has been prepared and given to the attendees. The content in the handouts reflect applicable philatelic subjects.
Herewith we want to share the very interesting and important contents.
- Handout #1 (Edition 300) was published at the reception on 25 May 2017 at FINLANDIA 2017.
- Handout #2 (Edition 400) was published at the reception on 1 December 2017 at MonacoPhil 2017.
- Handout #3 (Edition 400) was published at the reception on 16 February 2018 at SPRING STAMPEX 2018.
The next STOCKHOLMIA reception will take place at MALMEX 2018 in Sweden on 31 August 2018. The invitation was published 1 March 2018.

1 March 2018
Grace Davies was First to Register for STOCKHOLMIA 2019

Only a few hours after the launch of the registration link, the first one to register was Grace Davies, member of the RPSL and Supporter of STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Grace, you are the first to register for STOCKHOLMIA, why did you decide to come?
Several reasons. I value being a member of the Royal and tend to be enthusiastic about special occasions; here we have a major RPSL anniversary in a stunning setting with some fabulous-sounding events! Also, I have never been to Stockholm and probably never will unless I take advantage of this opportunity. Thirdly, as many members know, my collection is on the overall theme of Peace in which Nobel and the Peace Laureates have a large part so this trip will give me the longed-for opportunity to visit the Nobel Museum and the Nobel Institute. I see that Alfred Nobel is to be one of the themes of STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
What are your expectations?
Goodness me! I suppose I expect a well-organized and stimulating event with plenty of interest and activity to enjoy on my own or with philatelic friends. It would be satisfying to find some treasures from the dealers - I desperately want a contemporary item to do with Nobel’s will. I loved the young musicians at FINLANDIA 2017 so some similar local culture would please me greatly. All in all, I hope to have a lovely time!
What other than the exhibition will you see when you are in Stockholm and Sweden?
As I have never been to Stockholm – or Sweden for that matter – and I have been told how beautiful it is, I plan to stay for eight nights to give me time to explore. First stop on arrival will be the Tourist Office! I would like to take a day-trip round the islands, have time for museums and art galleries, go to a concert and/or dance show and as I said, spend time on the subject of Alfred Nobel. I am not as young and energetic as I was but I promise you I shall try to fit in as much as I can.
1 March 2018
Invitation to the STOCKHOLMIA Reception at Turning Torso

The 4th pre-STOCKHOLMIA international reception will take place on Friday 31 August at 6.30. The invitation addresses all Fellows, Members and Guests of the Royal Philatelic Society London.
This unique reception will take place in Turning Torso, which is a neofuturist residential skyscraper located in Malmö, Sweden. Turning Torso is the tallest building in Scandinavia. The reception will take place at the top of the building, floors 53 and 54, where we will meet a panoramic view. The reception will include a three-course dinner.
The reception on Friday 31 August coincides with the then ongoing national exhibition, MALMEX 2018, the largest philatelic exhibition in Scandinavia this year.

20 February 2018
World Cinderella Congress at STOCKHOLMIA 2019

In 2016 the Swedish Cinderella Society (Samlarföreningen Bältespännarna) celebrated its 50th anniversary mainly in Stockholm but also in London in connection with the First World Cinderella Congress. With this in view it is not surprising that the Royal Philatelic Society London will stage a major stamp exhibition in the Swedish capital to mark its sesquicentennial in 2019.
The management of STOCKHOLMIA has invited the Swedish Cinderella Society to organise the Second World Cinderella Congress 1-2 June 2019 at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center in conjunction with the exhibition.
The Congress will spotlight three areas – local posts, revenues and poster stamps. A series of powerpoint presentations and displays by well-known Cinderella philatelists is planned but visitors are also encouraged to bring along a few pages from their own collections as there will be time for displays by those present.
As this is an international event English will be the main language.
For the latest information on the World Cinderella Congress please log on to www.sff.nu/baltespannarna/. For detailed information about STOCKHOLMIA 2019 including travel and hotel bookings please go to www.stockholmia2019.se.
19 February 2018
The Royal Philatelic Society London Birthday-Sale
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Rarity Auction

The Global Philatelic Network, as the Philatelic Partner for the International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London - STOCKHOLMIA 2019, is the official auctioneer for the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Rarity Auction. Recently at the STAMPEX-reception, we were fortunate to announce that The Royal Philatelic Society London will benefit extraordinarily from the auction.
We now invite Fellows, Members and Philatelists worldwide to consign material to this very special auction. In addition you will be a strong and important supporter to the Society and its anniversary.
We are looking for worldwide rare stamps and covers, postal history and specialised collections. Consignments will be accepted for single lots starting from EUR 1,000 (£ 900) and collections starting from EUR 10,000 (£ 9,000).
It is common that you give a present when you are invited to a birthday party, right?
- The Global Philatelic Network prepares for this present to The Royal Philatelic Society London
- For the Rarity Auction The Global Philatelic Network waives their standard commission, so that members and the Society can gain maximum profit
- The commission is a one-time offer for the STOCKHOLMIA Rarity Auction only. It is not comparable to the commission usually charged by the companies in the Global Philatelic Network
Total Hammer price | Standard fee | Your reduced STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Rarity Auction Flat Rate*1 Consignment Fee*2 |
Donated |
Above € 100,000 (£ 90,000) |
5% | 5% | |
€ 50,000 - € 100,000 (£ 45,000 - 90,000) |
10% | 5% | |
€ 20,000 - € 50,000 (£ 18,000 - 45,000) |
12,5% | 5% | |
Below € 20,000 (£ 18,000) |
15% | 5% |
*1 Including insurance, lot fee, etc.
*2 Plus then valid VAT (on commission only).

If you wish to consign to this STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Rarity Auction, contact Auction Houses Heinrich Köhler, Corinphila, H.R. Harmer or John Bull of the Global Philatelic Network.
More information to be found here on the website.
16 February 2018
The STOCKHOLMIA Reception at STAMPEX was Very Well Received

For the third time we have organized a pre-STOCKHOLMIA-reception, addressing Fellows, Members and their Guests about the progress and updates. Link to presentation.
This third reception was conducted in London, at the Business Design Centre, at noon on Friday 16 February. It coincided with the ongoing SPRING STAMPEX. The reception was hosted by The Global Philatelic Network, as being the Philatelic Partner to STOCKHOLMIA 2019.

The Society President Patrick Maselis welcomed a more than filled room, with more than 100+ attendees from all over the world. Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, gave a comprehensive report, which was very well received. Everything is so far well prepared and with low risks, Jonas stated, however “… planning is everything, but the plan is nothing …” he said. With his statement, Jonas addresses that now is the time to consider making reservations and bookings for the travelling to Stockholm for the birthday party next year. “A well-planned philatelic event is nothing without an extensive audience showing their support and interest …”.

Dieter Michelson from The Global Philatelic Network announced, among many other things, the scope for the Rarity Auction, to be conducted in conjunction with STOCKHOLMIA. The Grand Award, which was first presented at the previous reception at MonacoPhil 2017, was again presented by Karl Louis from The Global Philatelic Network.
28 January 2018

The Society’s international birthday party will be very well covered when it takes place over five public days at STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
The Editor of The London Philatelist, Seija-Riitta Laakso will be in active service as Editor-in-Chief for the two Special Editions of the journal. The magazines will each be 24 pages, ordinary LP format, and will be printed in an edition of 2,500 each.
- The first issue will be published on the second day of the exhibition, 30 May 2019.
- The second issue will be published on the fifth day of the exhibition, 2 June 2019.
In Seija-Riitta’s editorial team she will be accompanied by several writing journalists. So far Mårten Sundberg and Christer Brunström have agreed to work as journalists during the exhibition. Dane Garrod has agreed to take on the commitment as STOCKHOLMIA photographer.

The editorial team with Seija-Riitta Laakso in charge will also be responsible for the After Action Review (AAR), published as a separate The London Philatelist appendix in September 2019. The AAR is to be regarded as the Royal Philatelic Society London’s official report of the conductance of the Society’s international birthday celebration when it took place in Stockholm as STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
More information will follow in due course.
26 January 2018
150 Candles on a Birthday Cake?
There’s an Easier Way to Give The Society a Birthday Present

Consign now to the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 RARITY AUCTION!
The international celebration of the Royal Philatelic Society London’s 150th Anniversary will be celebrated as the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Exhibition. All proceeds from the exhibition will benefit the Society.
Our Philatelic Partner, The Global Philatelic Network, herewith invite Fellows, Members and Philatelists worldwide to consign material to this very special auction, and in addition you will be a strong and important supporter of the Society and its anniversary.
5% of the total hammer price will be donated to the exhibition and the Royal Philatelic Society London as the organizer. The Rarities Auction will take place on 1 June 2019.
If you wish to consign material to the Rarities Auction, contact Auction
Houses Heinrich Köhler, Corinphila, H.R. Harmer or John Bull of the Global
Philatelic Network.
Link to Rarity Auction.
26 January 2018
IFSDA Appoints Trade Liaison Officer

IFSDA – the International Federation of Stamp Dealers’ Association – gave its patronage and support when we initiated the exhibition and invited the trade stand dealers. As previously reported, we have had a very good progress and have sold out all trade stands. Link to attending stand holders.
For the further planning, mentoring and liaison, IFSDA has appointed Lars-Olow Carlsson, in his capacity as Vice President of the organization, as Trade Liaison Officer for STOCKHOLMIA 2019. We welcome Lars-Olow in this capacity and we are looking forward to him taking up his role in the team.
IFSDA has decided to conduct its Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting during STOCKHOLMIA, and so Lars-Olow will be an important stakeholder for the conductance.
Lars-Olow Carlsson, as the current CEO of Postiljonen AB, Malmö, Sweden, can be reached on e-mail: lars-olow.carlsson@postiljonen.se.
17 January 2018
on 16 February 2018 at
12.00 a.m.

Patrons and Stand Holders to STOCKHOLMIA 2019, together with Fellows and Members of The Royal Philatelic Society London, are hereby invited to the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Reception taking place in conjunction with Spring Stampex 2018.
The main event objective will be to present the latest progress of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 – The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Philatelic Society London, followed by a reception hosted by The Global Philatelic Network who is the Philatelic Partner to STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
The Grand Prix of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be on display during the reception.
22 December 2017
Seven (7) New Trade Stands Offered and SOLD OUT

Copyright: Postiljonen AB, Anna Johnsson.
As previously reported, when we first offered the 43 (original) Trade Stands, they were sold out within 72 hours. Since then we have had a waiting list.
When the floor plan recently was re-designed, we could release space for another seven (7) Trade Stands to be offered to the stakeholders on the waiting list.
We are now very pleased to report that we have committed additional Trade Stand Holders to the new stands (all located on level 4 (the main floor).
- No. 38 Eastern Auctions Ltd. (Canada)
- No. 39 Hellman Auctions, Philatelic Service of Finland Ltd. (Finland)
- N0. 40 Philasearch.com GmbH (Germany)
- No. 41 Philangles Ltd (United Kingdom)
- No. 42a Willard S. Allman (USA)
- No. 42b CompuStamp (USA)
- No. 43 Mossgreen (Australia)
- No. 44 Peter F. Harlos KG (Germany)
All in all, we now are 51 Trade Stands representing 14 different nations:
- Australia (1)
- Canada (1)
- Denmark (3)
- Finland (2)
- Germany (6)
- Hong Kong
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Sweden (13)
- Switzerland (3)
- Thailand
- United Kingdom (13)
- United States of America (4)
21 December 2017
Exhibition Floor Plan Re-Designed

The latest updates to the exhibition floor plan is now presented.
18 December 2017
The STOCKHOLMIA Stakeholder Pin Introduced

We now introduce the STOCKHOLMIA Stakeholder Pin.
The pin will be the sign worn by stakeholders who has committed to STOCKHOLMIA 2019 – THE INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION OF THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY LONDON.
Our stakeholders are:
- Patrons and Supporters
- Trade Stand Holders
- Exhibitors
- Organization and Volunteers
- Exhibition Management Team
Wearing the pin aims to address:
Questions: What is your role for STOCKHOLMIA 2019?
Reply: Define your role and invite the one asking to join you in your commitment.
13 December 2017
Jon Aitchison is #100 as new LEADERSHIP PATRON

The original formation of the exhibition was achieved through a substantial financial commitment by Gustaf Douglas. His contribution was the starting point for many others to follow. Recently we reached 100+ Patrons and Supporters!
The 100th Patron to commit is Jon Aitchison, United Kingdom, who at the recently conducted reception at MonacoPhil joined as LEADERSHIP PATRON. Jon explains that his reason is very simple, STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be one of the most important philatelic events ever organized, and so his contribution is similar to buying a good cover.
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 would like to make it easy for all Fellows and Members around the world to participate. It is your support that will help make this exhibition possible. Every contribution is valuable. We have a variety of options to enable you to support and become part of this significant event. You are invited to become a Patron or Supporter. The membership will also add value to your visit at the exhibition. BECOME PATRON.
We are by now 156 Patrons and Supporters, with 16 different nationalities.
11 December 2017

At the STOCKHOLMIA-reception conducted on the 1 December 2017 at MonacoPhil, the displays comprising STOCKHOLMIA COURT OF HONOR were presented.

As the Patron of the Society (The Royal Philatelic Society London), Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II has been invited to display a selection from The Royal Philatelic Collection. Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, introduced the announcements about STOCKHOLMIA COURT OF HONOR by reflecting on the Royal Patronages governing the Society and the Exhibition, as King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden has agreed to be the Patron of the exhibition when it takes place in Stockholm in 2019.

Firstly, The Keeper of The Royal Philatelic Collection, Michael Sefi LVO RDP FRPSL announced that The Queen graciously has agreed to accept the invitation, and will display 12 frames from The Royal Philatelic Collection. The selection to be made will be important for philately generally and for the celebration of the Society’s anniversary. The selection from The Royal Philatelic Collection will remain as a secret and surprise until the opening of the exhibition.

Secondly, Vincent Schouberecht announced the second display: “Kings and Queens in Philately”. The scope of this display will be to present philately and postal history from Royal Collections, from past and present times.

Thirdly, STOCKHOLMIA COURT OF HONOR will comprise displays from the Philatelic Head Patron of the exhibition, Gustaf Douglas (right), who will present a comprehensive part from his “Golden Collection of Swedish Philately”.
Tomas Bjäringer (left) is one of the most ambitious bibliophiles in the philatelic world. Tomas is one of very few Honorary Fellows of The Society, and a very active and important stakeholder to the exhibition. To the STOCKHOLMIA COURT OF HONOR, Tomas Bjäringer will present a selection of RPSL Publications and Crawford Winners from his extensive philatelic library.
In summary, STOCKHOLMIA COURT OF HONOR will comprise selected displays from:
- The Royal Philatelic Collection, by the Society’s Patron Queen Elizabeth II
- Kings and Queens on Philately, Philately and Postal History from Royal Collections
- The Golden Collection of Swedish Philately, by the Exhibition’s Philatelic Head Patron Gustaf Douglas
- RPSL Publications from 1873 and onward, together with a selection of Crawford Winners from 1920 and onward, by Tomas Bjäringer
Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström explains that the STOCKHOLMIA COURT OF HONOR will be an important and unique selling point to be further exploited during the development of the marketing plan for the exhibition.
11 December 2017
Wolfgang Maassen Presented the two Exhibition Catalogues

To the philatelic world, Wolfgang Maassen is well-known as author, publisher, bibliophile and not least a person who gets things done. Wolfgang is also President of the International Association of Philatelic Journalists (AIJP).
From the formation of the STOCKHOLMIA Management Team back in 2016, Wolfgang Maassen has committed to head the activities addressing literature and publications. At the recently conducted reception at MonacoPhil, Wolfgang presented the scope of these projects.

- AIJP Patronage
- Selection from the BJÄRINGER LIBRARY (Court of Honor)
- RPSL Publications
- Crawford Winners
- Reading Room
- Stockholmia Literature Class
- Two Library Presentations Rooms
- Full time program from 11.00 to 17.30 each day
- Educational subjects aiming authors and publishers
- Lectures about early philatelic literature in different countries
- Capacity for 8 book presentation each day

Wolfgang also presented the exhibition catalogues, comprising two different volumes à 300+ pages. One volume will be a “traditional” exhibition catalogue, while the second volume will be the “Library Catalogue”, the latter comprising:
RPSL Publications- Each book presented, with different photos and a short description
- Each book will be presented, a few books on one or two pages, with different photos and a short description
- Court of Honour Library books by Tomas Bjäringer: 20 glass cabinets (show cases) and each one is good for up to six items
- Each entry presented with the bibliographical data (and address where to buy)
The expected release date and presentation of the two volumes is 11 April 2019 in London at the Society’s ”Past Presidents Display”, six weeks prior to the exhibition.
As previously reported, Mitch and Alan Holyoake are Catalogue Patrons.
7 December 2017
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Medal and Awards

The invitation to exhibit and display at STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is in operation since it was launched in Bulletin 1 (released and in operation since May 2017). The application time is open until 30 April 2018. No pre-qualification is required and exhibitors may either display in the non-competitive class or as a competitive exhibit. Invitation, the regulations of the exhibition and the application form is available online at www.stockholmia2019.se.
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be held under the patronage of the Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS). Participation is open to all (and only) Fellows and members of the RPSL. There will be approximately 2,000 frames (120x90 cm) with capacity for 16 sheets (not exceeding 29.7 cm tall by 24.5 cm wide) in four rows of four (4x 4).
In conjunction with the STOCKHOLMIA-reception at MonacoPhil 2017, conducted on Friday 1 December, the STOCKHOLMIA medal and awards were presented.

The STOCKHOLMIA GRAND AWARD will be awarded to the best exhibit of the exhibition. The candidates will be those judged as Best in Classes, and the best exhibit will be selected via an open voting by the judges at the Palmares. The GRAND AWARD is donated by the STOCKHOLMIA Philatelic Partner, The Global Philatelic Network, and was presented at MonacoPhil 2017 by Dieter Michelson (left) and Karl Louis (right).

At the same time as the GRAND AWARD was presented, the first STOCKHOLMIA collectible was introduced – a Tea Mug (edition 300) depicting the GRAND AWARD.
1 December 2017
Successful STOCKHOLMIA Reception at MonacoPhil

The second consecutive STOCKHOLMIA-reception (the first was in Tampere in conjunction with FINLANDIA 2017) was conducted on 1 December at MonacoPhil 2017.

The reception was hosted by the President of The Royal Philatelic Society London, Patrick Maselis, who welcomed everybody standing in a replica façade from the Old Town of Stockholm. The welcoming from Patrick was followed by a response from Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, who expressed his feelings by saying “it’s almost to be standing at home in Stockholm giving this presentation to you here in Monte Carlo, Monaco”. Then followed a substantial presentation on the latest progress of STOCKHOLMIA 2019. The whole presentation can be read herewith.
Stockholmia Presentation 1 December 2017.pdf
At the reception, the second STOCKHOLMIA handout was presented, corresponding with the theme for MonacoPhil 2017: Philipp von Ferrari. Tomas Bjäringer and Jan Berg from the Management Team gave out the handout to all participants, not less than 300+ Members, Fellows and Guests of The Royal Philatelic Society London.

Thanks to the honors’ by the host, after the presentations all attendees enjoyed drinks and nibbles in a luxury and positive atmosphere heading up for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in 543 days.

19 October 2017
Mårten Sundberg Prepares Article about the Society for the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Exhibition Catalogue

The Society’s official international celebration of its 150th years’ anniversary, STOCKHOLMIA 2019, will among other things comprise two exhibition catalogue volumes. A comprehensive presentation of the two volumes will follow in due course.
An important announcement to make is that we have asked Mårten Sundberg, from the Åland Islands, to prepare the article about the Society, aiming the exhibition catalogue. The scope for that article will be to reflect the Society’s current everyday life. More precisely: In fifty years’ time, when we will have our 200th years anniversary, a reader of this article should be able to understand how the everyday of the Society was performed fifty years ago (2019).
Mårten Sundberg is a professional journalist and a very active philatelic bibliophile. His collecting area in that field is among many various topics a collection of all meeting handouts from RPSL meetings and displays. Mårten spends the next coming year to prepare this article, which will cover our meetings and displays, staff, office, committees, expert committee, members, stakeholders … etc. When you see Mårten around and present at the premises, please support his work and the important documentation he will compile for this intended purpose.
21 September 2017
Mr. Erivan Haub commits as FRAME PATRON

As previously reported there will be four (private) Pilot Patronships, equally important for the conductance of the exhibition. The four Patronships are financial contributions for the further development of the exhibition and address the four unique and different topics they represent: Venue; Medal; Catalogue; Frames.
Thanks to the strong Philatelic Partnership for the exhibition with Heinrich Köhler and Corinphila with their Partners in the Global Philatelic Network, we have secured important competences, capacities and a worldwide recognition in the networks of the hobby. In addition, the financial sponsorship from the group is essential for the quality we want.
In addition to their already taken commitment and partnership, their main shareholder and owner Mr. Erivan Haub has committed as Frame Patron for STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
Mr. Haub took over as main shareholder in 2012. He has been a keen collector since his youth years and collects covers of Austria and the Swiss Cantonals. His Collections of Ballon Monté, Zeppelin Mail and Rarities of the World are of great importance. Over decade,s Erivan Haub managed to build up legendary collections of classical US, United States and Confederate States postal history and by far the most important collection of the German States. Since Mr. Haub's retirement he devotes most of his time with his collectibles, of which his Philatelic collections are his favorite.
Erivan Haub and his family are proud to be one of the four Pilot Patrons of STOCKHOLMIA 2019, giving preference to the Swedish as hosts and the British as the celebrating Nation of the 150th Anniversary if the Royal Philatelic Society London.
13 September 2017
STOCKHOLMIA briefing given to The Collectors Club New York

After The Royal Philatelic Society London, The Collectors Club New York is regarded as one of the most prestigious philatelic societies in the world. Their clubhouse is impressive, located at the 35th street on Manhattan.
Yesterday, Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, gave a brief presentation about STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and its positive progress and developments. Jonas welcomed those club members also being members of the RPSL, to primarily apply for exhibiting and thereafter to plan their visit to Stockholm when the show takes off in 2019.
Jonas’s presentation coincided with the presentation and display given by Gustaf Douglas at the clubhouse. Gustaf displayed 289 pages on the 20 wall frames, and showed selected postal history from his Golden Collection of Swedish Philately on mail from, to and via Sweden.

Gustaf Douglas is the Philatelic Head Patron for STOCKHOLMIA, and gives a substantial financial commitment to the show.
12 September 2017
Four RPSL Meeting Presentations to be conducted at STOCKHOLMIA 2019

As STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is the international celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London, the oldest existing philatelic organization, the Society has decided to conduct four official meetings comprising program presentations.
The Society meetings in London are normally of two different types. The program which will be conducted during STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be of the formal nature, at which a paper is read accompanied by a display by an individual member.
For STOCKHOLMIA 2019, our Society President, Mr. Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL, has invited four internationally recognized members to conduct four presentations on each public day, Wednesday to Saturday. As speakers to an official society meeting, they will be given the Society Plaque (illustrated above).
- Wednesday 29 May: Mr. Scott Trepel
- Thursday 30 May: Mr. Henk Slabbinck
- Friday 31 May: Mr. Eddie Bridges
- Saturday 1 June: Mr. John Barwis
All presentations will start at 3.00pm and will be conducted in the auditorium at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre (level 6-7). They will be open to Fellows, Members and their Guests, but of course also as marketing of Society they will be open for the public (the auditorium seats 1,500 attendees).
In due course, we will present each speaker and his scope of presentation in more depth.
17 August 2017
Mats Söderberg commits as Logistic Manager

Welcome to Mats Söderberg as new member of our Exhibition Management Team. Mats’s role will be Logistic Manager. Having Mats in our team is a success factor for STOCKHOLMIA. Mats has been the key person in Sweden, i.e. Exhibition Manager, with two national exhibitions (2004 and 2009) and NORDIA 2015 in his CV. In addition, Mats has a good network with the local societies in the Stockholm region, where he for STOCKHOLMIA will try his best to commit volunteers.
“Logistic” is defined as the responsibility for planning and executing the logistic of the exhibition frames. The exhibition’s scope is 2,000 frames (faces) in the display and competitive classes, plus circa 100 frames in Court of Honour and for other usages. The main interface for the “Logistic” will be the Bin Room, which is managed by Bengt Bengtsson in Bengt’s role as Deputy Commissioner General. The scope for Mats’s responsibility will be to handle the logistics with the frames, build the frames, mount all the exhibits and reverse after closing of the exhibition.
20 July 2017
Christoph Gärtner Commits as LEADERSHIP PATRON

The third Trade Stand Holder to commit as LEADERSHIP PATRON to STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is Philatelie Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG. The patronship combines joint interests between Christoph Gärtner, his businesses and the exhibition management. For the further development of the exhibition, we receive a financial sponsorship commitment, and in return the company receives commitments of value for their direct and indirect involvements.

C.G. Collectors World – a global brand for collectors
At a very early age Christoph Gärtner, auctioneer, owner and managing director of the C.G. Collectors World, already became a passionate collector. In 1984, directly after his final school examinations, he decided to make his hobby into a career. He started his own business and within two decades, the Gärtner GmbH developed into a world leading trade house for postal stationery and became a specialist for thematics and postal history.
With the foundation of the Auction House Gärtner in 2004 he started to realize a long-held dream to create his own place where collectors, customers and investors from every part of the world would could get together to fulfil their own dreams and desires. Since April 2005 both, his trading and auction house, have been united at the current C.G. headquarter in Bietigheim-Bissingen, covering a conveniently acessible area of 2,700 m2. In 2007 the group has joined the ranks of the most successfull auction and trading houses in the world. As the largest philatelic auction house in Europe and the second largest in the world the C.G group has been playing in the big leagues for years.
Since the acquisitation of Pumpenmeier Auction House in Kirchlerngern in 2014, Christoph Gärtner has increasingly invested in the growth the C.G. Collectors World. In 2015 he acquired Edgar Mohrmann Auction House in Hamburg, Rauss & Fuchs as well as Detlef Hilmer in Munich, a long estrablished company. Auction Galleries Hamburg vormals Schwanke GmbH is a member of the Gärtner family since July 2016. Currently, over 60 emplyees and a number of partners in the US, South America, Asia, Australia an Europe work for the Group.

All members of the C.G. Collectors World are closely linked with each other. The main focus of the auctions contentrates on: international philately and postal history, coins, medals, bank notes, large lots and estates, specialized collections and collections worldwide. Consignments for auctions are welcome at any C.G. location. In addition the expert team tours regulary in many countries worldwide.

We value close and trusting relationships with our customers. And as an owner-operated group, we can ensure highly flexible and swift decision-making processes anywhere in the world.“, Christoph Gärtner emphasizes.
Also known as an "ambassador of philately", Christoph is involved in a wide range of projects. In 2011 he started the project Be on ball with cool stamps as an educational programme, providing schools and other educational establishments with stamp starter sets free of charge. He has donated over 30,000 albums with over 30 million stamps at a total catalogue value of over 15 Million Euro. Since 2013 he awards the annual International C.G. Award to promote and maintain philatelic research and konwledge. Furthermore, he is active on the realization of public exhibitons. For example as sponsor. of the Court of Honour during the World Exhibition in Melbourne in 2013, as main sponsor and philatelic partner of the PRAGA 2018 as well as Leadership Patron of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 – The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London.
18 July 2017
New Advertisements as Single and Double Pages

André Schneider at our Philatelic Partner, The Global Philatelic Network, has designed a new advertisement to be used as single or double page. The scope on the new advertisements cover the topics from Bulletin 1.
- Have you find the availability to the comprehensive content and information in Bulletin 1?
- Are you getting prepared yet for STOCKHOLMIA?
- Your visit is prepared together with a comprehensive Destination Package. Book your travel online
The new versions of the advertisements are available here on our website in two versions, single and double page.
17 July 2017
Members and Fellows in India Prepare for STOCKHOLMIA

15th Regional meeting of RPSL held at the Business centre in Taj Hotel, Yeshwantpur - Bangalore, India on 15th July 2017 at 7pm during the State level exhibition KARPHILEX.
The main agenda of the meeting was to promote the Society's upcoming exhibition STOCKHOLMIA 2019. Markand Dave FRPSL had informed all the members with more information about the event and advised for accommodation arrangements in advance. Markand had also talked about the promotion of the event by publicity how can we attract more members and more participants, he further mentioned the technics for publicity. i.e sending email, Whatsapp, Facebook and Social media usage to make the event popular. Members and guests had expressed their interest in the event and asked some questions about commissioners and transportation of exhibits. Markand had promised to update with more info in next meeting in Mumbai in September after his visit to London.

Official souvenir magazine of KARPHILEX also has an advertisement of RPSL with STOCKHOLMIA 2019 logo, the advert cost was 15k which was equally distributed and paid by the 3 Reps of India.
Markand Dave FRPSL
7 July 2017
STOCKHOLMIA AMBASSADOR Alex Haimann Reports from Bermuda

The largest membership contingent to The Royal outside the UK is the Fellows and Members living in the United States of America. Since a year back, our exhibition has committed Alex Haimann as STOCKHOLMIA AMBASSADOR.
Alex reports from his latest visit to Bermuda:
I wanted to report back on my outreach to US Members and Fellows about STOCKHOLMIA 2019. Earlier this week, after several hours of envelope stuffing, label affixing and licking over 300 stamps for applying to the envelopes (no self-adhesive stamps), a personal letter is on its way to every US Member and Fellow from Bermuda! The letter is personal and addresses the progress with the exhibition and a personal invitation to become a Patron. Every envelope has a great new issue Bermudian stamp featuring our Patron, Queen Elizabeth!

As a fun aside, I purchased the stamps and mailed the envelopes from the Post Office in Bermuda which first sold the famous Perot stamps!

It remains an honour to be part of the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 committee.
Thank you for all that you are doing to make the exhibition in celebration of our Society's 150th anniversary a huge success!
Yours in Philately,
22 June 2017

Since the inception of philately as a hobby, philatelic publications, handbooks and catalogues have provided important records for future reference and study. Today, part of the philatelic hobby also involves collecting the literature which exists for the many various collecting topics. In the current development of the philatelic hobby, research and study are key drivers to collecting.
On the international philatelic scene, Alan Holyoake RDP FRPSL of United Kingdom, is well known for his comprehensive philatelic studies of classic Great Britain philately and postal history. His various collections have been recognized with Grand Prix National as well as Grand Prix International, and many other awards. When having reached their final status, Alan has published his collections in outstanding formats as handbooks. These publications are not only records of Alan’s achievements as a collector, but also provide a valuable reference for current and future philatelic research. Together with Alan’s interests and research on his own collections, he has generally supported philatelic research and digitization of philatelic data and reference sources.
STOCKHOLMIA 2019, is being held to celebrate The Royal Philatelic Society London’s 150th Anniversary. As the oldest and most prestigious philatelic society, this STOCKHOLMIA 2019 celebration is also a major international philatelic celebration and an event that will become regarded as a milestone in world philatelic history. The exhibition catalogue will consist of two volumes: STOCKHOLMIA EXHIBITION CATALOGUE and STOCKHOLMIA LIBRARY CATALOGUE.
Together they will provide a full detail of the EXHIBITION as well as the Society’s historical development and current footprint on where the Society is today. The exhibition catalogues will, together with the exhibition medal, represent important exhibition commemorative memorabilia from this unique celebration.
It is with much gratitude to Alan Holyoake and his wife Micheline, known generally as Mitch, that the exhibition management wish to express their thanks and to recognize them as STOCKHOLMIA CATALOGUE PATRONS. There will be only four Pilot Patronships for STOCKHOLMIA, equally important for the establishment of the exhibition. All four Patronships are private sponsorships for the further development of the exhibition, and address the four unique and different areas they each represent: Venue; Medal; Catalogue; Frames.
19 June 2017
David Tett and Martin Friedman are First to make Reservations of Stockholm Destination Packages

In conjunction with the release and presentation of Bulletin 1, we also launched the Destination Package Offers with various hotel offers for Stockholm during the conductance of STOCKHOLMIA 2019. Our Partner Meetagain handles Destination Management for all visitors coming to Stockholm for the show, and Meetagain has blocked 42,000 hotel rooms at more than 40 different hotels for the exhibition week!
The first reservations have already gone through and the “winners are” David Tett respectively Martin Friedman.
The Destination Packages Offers are found on the following link: http://www.meetagain-stockholmia2019.se.
13 June 2017
David Feldman Auctions Commits as LEADERSHIP PATRON

The second Trade Stand Holder to commit as LEADERSHIP PATRON to STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is David Feldman Auctions. The patronship combines joint interests between David Feldman Auctions and the exhibition management. For the further development of the exhibition, we receive a financial sponsorship commitment, and in return the company receives commitments of value for their direct and indirect involvements.
Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, David Feldman Auctions has established itself as one of the world’s leading stamps auction houses for over 50 years. They enjoy close relationships with the most important stamps collectors as well as an extraordinary track record reflected in a number of philatelic world records.
In addition to the company’s LEADERSHIP PATRONSHIP, three main stakeholders at the company have joined as GOLD PATRONS: Anders Thorell, Marcus Orsi and Gaël Caron.
10 June 2017

As the exhibition planning is developing very well, we are very happy to assign the first Trade Stand Holder as LEADERSHIP PATRON to STOCKHOLMIA 2019. This patronship combines joint interests between AB Philea and the exhibition management. For the further development of the exhibition, we receive a financial sponsorship commitment, and in return AB Philea receives commitments of value for their direct and indirect involvements.
AB Philea was founded in the end of the 1980’s. The first years of operation were modest with sales lists and small auctions. Initially, the strategy was to offer material of all different types to find as many new customers as possible. In a way, there was more focus on quantity than quality.
The business grew slowly but steadily and in 1999 the auction operations of AB Kihlströms Frimärkshandel (the oldest stamp auction company in Sweden) was incorporated with AB Philea. This gave the company an additional client base and a shift towards offering material of higher calibre than before.
In 2004, both Frimärkskompaniet in Stockholm and Lars-Tore Eriksson in Kalmar were incorporated and the Kalmar office was kept in the organization. This was the beginning of the development of an office network throughout Sweden through the overtaking or establishment of local offices.
Today AB Philea has offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Svedala (close to Malmoe), Kalmar, Karlshamn, Skara and Uppsala as well as Helsinki in Finland. They also have a representative in Northern Sweden. The offices all work with receiving philatelic or numismatic consignments in varying degrees and are also used for buying items of gold and silver from the public.
The staff of the overtaken offices or companies have in most cases remained as employees. Hence they have aquired a large competence base in the company.
AB Philea conducts about 6 “International Auctions” and two so-called “quality auctions” for mainly better-grade items each year. In addition, they yearly hold two coin auctions under the name Myntkompaniet and one or two auctions in Finland.
All auctions are presented on their website. Non-Swedish material is presented in English to facilitate for clients not understanding Swedish, 8-9 out of 10 new customers are foreign. Furthermore, auctions are presented on Philasearch and Stamp Auction Network.
AB Philea is regularly represented at philatelic exhibitions in the Nordic countries and at several numismatic shows worldwide.
In addition to the company’s LEADERSHIP PATRONSHIP, three main stakeholders at the company have joined as GOLD PATRONS: Peter Johansen, Christer Svensson and Johan Ågren.
Visit AB Philea at their website: www.philea.se
4 June 2017

On the 19 November last year, we announced that Jan-Olof Ljungh had taken on the commitment as MEDAL PATRON for the exhibition medal. Since then a joint team comprising Jan-Olof Ljungh, Chris King and Bengt Bengtsson has worked together with the famous silver designer Sebastian Schildt, of Stockholm to prepare the medal design. At the STOCKHOLMIA reception which took place in Tampere on 25 May, the STOCKHOLMIA exhibition medal was presented for the first time publicly.

The unique STOCKHOLMIA medal in classic format and style has two front faces, tracing the two countries’ equal importance by depicting the world’s most recognised stamps in stylised form.

Sebastian Schildt is the current most prestigious silver designer in Sweden, with studio and gallery in central Stockholm: www.gallerisebastianschildt.se
The exhibition medal is presented together with the latest announcement about STOCKHOLMIA in the new Press Release published here on the website.
25 May 2017

On Thursday 25 May, the STOCKHOLMIA reception at FINLANDIA 2017 took place with more than 150+ Fellows, Members and their Guests participating.
Yes, Members from the whole world participated in the event where the latest announcements about the exhibition was presented by Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, who focused on:
- The invitation to Members to display
- Destination offers to all visitors comprising prepared reservations of accommodation and destination activities
- Planned program activities
The reception with its presentation was very well received and during the proceeding days at FINLANDIA, STOCKHOLMIA 2019 was a great “buz”.
17 May 2017
The First Swedish Application Received

The first Swede to apply for frames to the competive class is Claes Hederstierna, who has submitted his one-frame-exhibit in traditional philately “1920, Gustavus Adolphus, 20 öre, blue”.
16 May 2017
First Exhibitor Application Received

The first application of frames has been received to the exhibition’s competitive class. It is John Barwis from the United States of America, who has applied for 8 frames to his exhibit “Philadelphia - Great Britain Mails”.
4 May 2017
BULLETIN 1 Released

One of the pre-exhibition milestones for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is achieved:
- Bulletin 1 is released and mailed worldwide to all Fellows and Members of the Royal Philatelic Society London. The Bulletin can be reached on this link.
On 88 pages the exhibition and its concepts are presented and gives comprehensive information about the general concepts and thoughts which are behind the exhibition. Bulletin 1 also invites Fellows and Members to participate with a philatelic display, either as a competitive exhibit a non-competitive selection form their exhibits.
The Bulletin and its content will be further presented at the STOCKHOLMIA-reception taking place on 25 May at FINLANDIA 2017. Fellows and Members with their guests are invited to the reception. Link to the invitation.
11 January 2017
43 Philatelic Stand Holders representing 12 Different Countries

Copyright: Postiljonen AB, Anna Johnsson.
A complete list of attending philatelic Stand Holders is now launched here on the website.
As previously reported, all trade stands are located on level 4 and 5 at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre and when the offer was launched in September last year, they were all sold out within 72 hours.
Heinrich Köhler GmbH and Corinphila Auktionen with their Partners in the Global Philatelic Network will be present in the Philatelic Partnership Mega Stand on level 5. The three Premium Stands on level 4 are allocated to Stanley Gibbons Ltd., Spink & Son Ltd. and Philatelie Christoph Gärtner GmbH.
In total, we will have 43 philatelic Trade Stands with Stand Holders representing 12 different countries:
- Denmark (3)
- Finland (1)
- Germany (3)
- Hong Kong
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Sweden (13)
- Switzerland (3)
- Thailand
- United Kingdom (12)
- United States of America (3)
17 December 2016
STOCKHOLMIA KICK OFF with the Swedish Fellows and Members

Friday and Saturday, 16-17 December, the Swedish Fellows and Members of The Royal Philatelic Society was invited to a KICK OFF at “Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre”. The Swedish memberships were first introduced to STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in January this year, at a regional meeting which took place at “Högberga Gård” outside Stockholm. This weekend’s KICK OFF was a follow up initiated by Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström, reporting the latest progress and invite the membership to further commit themselves to the exhibition.
Originally the idea with STOCKHOLMIA 2019 as the International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London, came from Jonas Hällström, who persuaded Jan Berg as the RPSL overseas representative in Sweden to join him in this enterprise. Together with Gustaf Douglas, the three of them began the process, with the enthusiastic and warm support of the Society’s Council in London.

Photo: 39 Swedish Fellows and Members came to the KICK OFF at “Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre” on 16-17 December.
The Swedish contingent as a regional extension of the Society, is large in number, is very active and intend to develop this further. Although the Philatelic Society London was founded in 1869, it took 24 years until the first Swedish philatelist Axel de Reuterskiöld was elected as a member in 1893. Since then, 57 past members and presently 78 active members, totalling 135 Swedish philatelists have or are recorded in the available membership files of the Society.
The KICK OFF was conducted as a two-days-program, with an overview tour around the exhibition venue on Friday, followed be a presentation of the currently developed concepts for the exhibition presented by Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström.
- To see Jonas’s presentation follow this link.
Saturday was the second day and was conducted as presentations on four different topics. Four Fellows and Members, Tomas Bjäringer RDP HonFRPSL, Mats Ingers, Staffan Ferdén and Richard Bodin FRPSL, gave very interesting and exciting presentations. To share their content and knowledge we have made them available from here:
- Tomas Bjäringer, The Founding of the ”Philatelic Society, London” and the Progress of the Swedish Relations with The Royal Philatelic Society London.
- Mats Ingers, “The Järnum Find” (Järnumfyndet) – Until now an unknown treasure in Swedish Philately which will be on display at STOCKHOLMIA 2019. His presentation was also followed by a handout.
- Staffan Ferdén, His ongoing research project on Swedish Mail 1872 to 1940 which will be released as a book at STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
- Richard Bodin, An introduction to a new exhibit on Swedish Maritime Warships and Military Seamen at Foreign Destinations which will be displayed for the first time at STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
1 December 2016
Invitation to the STOCKHOLMIA Reception Taking place on 25 May at FINLANDIA 2017
Fellows, Members and our Guests of The Royal Philatelic Society London are hereby invited to the STOCKHOLMIA Reception taking place in conjunction with FINLANDIA 2017.
The reception will be the official Society Reception at FINLANDIA 2017, and will be conducted as the “STOCKHOLMIA Reception”. The main event will be a presentation of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 – The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Philatelic Society London, followed by the launch of Bulletin 1 inviting Fellows and Members of the Society to exhibit at STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
More information on how to book your ticket to the reception is to be found in the attached invitation.
19 November 2016
Jan-Olof Ljungh Undertakes the Role as STOCKHOLMIA MEDAL PATRON

Jan-Olof Ljungh (left) receiving one of his many Large Gold medals, here at AUSTRALIA 2013 from the secretary of the jury José Ramón Moreno (right).
We are very happy herewith to announce that one of the current Senior Philatelic Exhibitors in Sweden, Jan-Olof Ljungh, generously has made a significant financial contribution to the exhibition, to be used for the design and the manufacturing of the exhibition medal. With Jan-Olof’s commitment, the exhibition management has unanimously agreed to name Jan-Olof Ljungh as STOCKHOLMIA MEDAL PATRON.
Jan-Olof Ljungh is internationally known as a great collector of the early issues and postal history from the German Empire respectively from N.D.P, (he has four different exhibits on these areas qualified on FIP level). In addition Jan-Olof is a very qualified international exhibition champion and exhibitor.
Addressing the philatelic exhibitors who will be invited to exhibit at STOCKHOLMIA 2019, the Exhibition Medal will be one of the most important physical signs recognizing the exhibition before and after the show. Fellows and Members of The Royal Philatelic Society London will be invited to exhibit in conjunction with the release of Bulletin 1 which will be published in May 2017.
31 October 2016
Stanley Gibbons, SPINK and Christoph Gärtner Signed up as Premium Stand Holders

Level 4, the exhibition’s main floor, has a large square in the middle where our three Premium Stands are located (36m2 each). We are very happy to herewith announce that three of the international ”giants” in the philatelic business have signed up for the three Premium Stands:
- Stanley Gibbons www.stanleygibbons.com (Stand no 1)
- SPINK www.spink.com (Stand no 2)
- Christoph Gärtner www.auktionen-gaertner.de (Stand no 3)
28 October 2016
The Mega Stand of our Philatelic Partner, The Global Philatelic Network, will be at Prime Location on Level 5

Having sold all Trade Stands we have been able to finalise the exhibition layout addressing the Trade Stands on level 4 and level 5. The balcony on level 5 is regarded as the Prime Location of the exhibition. The main activities on the balcony will be the ”Court of Honor” and the representation from our Philatelic Partner, Heinrich Köhler, Corinphila and their Partners in the Global Philatelic Network (GPN).
The Global Philatelic Network will have a Mega Stand at the balcony (see floor plan) and it will be about 80m2 size big, containing a comprehensive activity program during the whole exhibition. All the companies representing the group will be there: Heinrich Köhler in Germany, Corinphila Auktionen in Swizterland, Corinphila Veilingen in The Netherlands, H.R. Harmer in United States of America and John Bull in Hong Kong.
The main activity for the Global Philatelic Network will be the Rarity Auction being conducted on Saturday 1 June 2019. More information about the auction is to be found on the following Link.
23 October 2016
All Trade Stands Sold Out
The offering of Trade Strands was launched at STAMPEX in London on 16 September. We had 45 Stands to offer, 38 on level 4 and 7 on level 5, including the three Premium Stands (1a-d to 3a-d) on level 4. Basically saying - all Stands were blocked after 72 hours. The interest from dealers and auction houses has been extensive and we now have a que with dealers and auction houses who wish to participate but not could be offered a stand due to the limited number available. All in all we have stand reservations from 43 philatelic companies (dealers and auction houses) including the companies representing our Philatelic Partner for STOCKHOLMIA 2019, i.e. Heinrich Köhler and Corinphila with their partners in the Global Philatelic Network.
6 October 2016
Meetagain signed as Congress Organising Partner for STOCKHOLMIA 2019

A newly signed joint venture agreement puts congress organiser Meetagain in charge of destination packages, accommodation and other local arrangements for the 10,000 visitors and stakeholders expected to visit Stockholm during the exhibition week.
In addition to the above, the partnership’s scope of activities and responsibilities will be further broadened, according along our roadmap. Meetagain will be one of the key stakeholders before and during the exhibition week in 2019.

Martina Käck (left) and Caroline Knies (right) from Meetagain are taking on the role as PCO (Professional Congress Organiser) and join the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Team.
With 25 years’ experience from the meetings industry, Meetagain has in-depth local knowledge, long and solid relations with suppliers and partners, and an extensive international network. Meetagain organises around 150 conferences annually, ranging from small group meetings to large, week-long conferences with over 17,000 international attendees. Regardless of size, the client’s needs are always first and foremost. “Close, transparent collaborations and honest relationships are at the heart of what we do. Our clients – and their guests – have to feel that they are our top priority, from start to finish,” says Caroline Knies from Meetagain.
Meetagain’s destination packages and other local arrangements for STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be presented in Bulletin 1, launched in May 2017. Read more about Meetagain at www.meetagain.se.
2 October 2016
Portrait of Ramon Radnoci as being our Webmaster

What is your role as being the Stockholmia Webmaster?
- As the webmaster, I am responsible to design and develop the website for Stockholmia 2019 and further to create a usable and informative way to publish all information about the exhibition to our readers and followers worldwide.
How did it all start?
- I was actually out for a walk when Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström called and told me about an interesting upcoming project. We talked for a while and I felt like wow, what an opportunity to be part of this. Of course I wanted design and develop the website for such an event like Stockholmia 2019 … and here we are.
What thoughts did you have from the very beginning on how to develop the website?
- Initially I focused on emphasizing the graphic design for the exhibition and integrate it as a natural part of the website. The first version of the website was a so called single-page website. But I soon realized that Stockholmia 2019 will be kind of an information heavy platform and hence it was not optimal. So, I restructured it and tried a couple of alternatives before I ended up with the website as presented herewith. Another important aspect was to develop a website that works well on mobile devices.
Further to web design, what is your background?
- I have been interested in computers ever since I was a child and my parents bought my first Commodore 64 in the early 90's. I was often there in front of the black and white old Samsung TV playing games. It continued with a 486 PC running Windows 3.11 a couple of years later. My interest evolved further so later I studied at a private high school directed to IT-studies and programming, followed by University studies in Computer Science. Ever since then I have been working mostly as a software developer at both small and large companies.
Tell us more about your company…
- Radnoci Software Solutions is a software development company that I run privately. In parallell I also work as a software developer as employeed. My customers are generally small companies that want a cost-effective and polite software development partner. App development for mobile devices is my primary domain, but I also develop apps for computers as well as websites and various other IT-consultancy.
If everything goes the way you want, what will we expect to see on the website looking ahead?
- The website will hopefully not change so much technically from now on. But of course the amount of information about the exhibition and the world of stamps will increase over time.
What do you like your own design of the STOCKHOLMIA website?
- I am really satisfied with it and hope that our reades and followers also like it!
18 September 2016
Thomas Larsson becomes Social Media Editor

Reaching out to our primary and secondary target groups will be very important. One of the tools to reach out will be Social Medias and we have now appointed Thomas Larsson as our Social Media Editor.
Thomas runs the philatelic company Samlartorget.se in Sweden, which is a very active company on Social Medias. As of now he takes on the role as Social Media Editor for STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
We are now very happy to welcome you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and to be able to interact and share happenings in the joyful count down for the Exhibition to take place.
The official hashtag is #Stockholmia2019, to get to the sites please click the links.

14 September 2016
Trade Stand Offer

Click on the images above to open the documents.
The Trade Stand Offer comprises 45 stands including the three Premium Stands. Request for a Trade Stand should be addressed to Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström jonas@stockholmia2019.se. Trade Stand Reservations will be executed as a "first to come first to serve basis".
10 September 2016
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Vernissage and Show Hours Announced
On Wednesday next week, the Trade Stand Offer Campaign will start off and will be launched here on the website. Along the way designing the Trade Offer, the show hours has been set. In addition to the five public days (Wednesday 29 May to Sunday 2 June 2019) a STOCKHOLMIA Vernissage will be conducted on Tuesday 28 May 2019 from 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.. The Vernissage will exclusively address the philatelic exhibitors, dealers and invited guests.
Show Hours
Tuesday | 28 May 2019 | 3.00-7.00 p.m. Vernissage exclusively for Philatelic Exhibitors, Dealers and Invited Guests |
Wednesday | 29 May 2019 | 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Open for the public |
Thursday | 30 May 2019 | 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Open for the public |
Friday | 31 May 2019 | 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Open for the public |
Saturday | 1 June 2019 | 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Open for the public |
Sunday | 2 June 2019 | 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Open for the public |
6 September 2016
Floor Plan and Exhibition Layout Prepared

Click on the images above to open the attached folder and floor plan.
"Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre", our exhibition venue, is Sweden’s newest and most versatile building for large-scale meetings and events. The accessibility between all levels in the building is extremely good, with stairs, escalators and elevators. This makes the movability between levels very convenient and comfortable for all visitors and stakeholders. A more comprehensive presentation of the venue is available in the attached folder.
The exhibition management is now ready to present the floor plan comprising the layout of the exhibition.
Level 6-7 | Auditorium (1,500 seats) |
Level 5 |
STOCKHOLMIA CLUB Lounge Court of Honor Global Philatelic Network 8 Trade Stands |
Level 4 |
Main Entrance 37 Trade Stands 1,000 Exhibition frames Caféteria |
Level 3 |
STOCKHOLMIA Library Meeting Rooms |
Level 2 |
1,000 Exhibition frames Meeting Rooms |
1 September 2016
Portrait of Maria Gadh, STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Art Director

The STOCKHOLMIA 2019 graphic design addressing ”The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London” is implemented. At the activities performed in conjunction with the international launch in New York on 30 May, the graphic design was well received with complimentary positive feedback from our international audience. Plenty of positive comments have been received from philatelists and non-philatelists since then. We have herewith the pleasure to give a portrait of our Graphic Designer, Maria Gadh, who is the Art Director.
Maria, how did it come that you work for STOCKHOLMIA 2019?
- By an amazing coincidence I found myself in a meeting with Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällstrom. After listening to the exciting tale of the postage stamp's history and the upcoming exhibition, I was on board for the ride.
What is your graphic design background?
- I have studied at YRGO among other schools and now I'm taking a course at Berghs. Today I freelance as a graphic designer and illustrator with various clients.
Do you have any previous connections with philately and the hobby?
- I have a fleeting memory of a folder with stamps in my younger days, but it's not until now that I begin to understand the delight and extent of this hobby.
Maria, your first performance for STOCKHOLMIA was its logotype – tell us about the logotype?
- I knew I wanted to have the stamp included, somehow. And I wanted to make it look grand, after all it's a century and a half since the first philatelic society started, but keeping it with a modern touch. The corner of a stamp was the perfekt choise, it was a crown. The crown as a link to the Swedish Coat-of-Arms - Three Crowns, but also a tribute to The Royal Philatelic Society London. The stamp is there, you just have to look a bit closer.
Further to the seven illustrations addressing the event, what are your thoughts?
- I wanted to create an interesting scene of the exhibition and of the City of Stockholm, without giving too much away. I want to give the visitor the opportunity of a sneak peek of the event so that they can explore on there own when the time comes. The structure of the scenes are simple and to the point and the colours reminisce and honours the Swedish flag.
We are very happy to have Maria as member of the Management Team, and she will be important for the development and progress of our marketing along the way up to showtime.
21 August 2016
Christer Brunström takes on the job as Press Information Officer

The organizing committee is very happy to welcome Christer Brunström onboard to his position as Press Information Officer.
Christer is currently one of the most experienced Sweden-based philatelic journalists and his writings cover all philatelic areas which proves his extensive philatelic knowledge.
Christer is a regular contributor to Swedish and international magazines like SFF Filatelisten (Sweden), Norsk Filatelistisk Tidskrift (Norway), Linn's (USA), Gibbons Stamp Monthly and Stamp & Coin Mart (UK), Stamp News Australasia (Australia) and many others.
In his role as Press Information Officer Christer will be responsible for the compilation and distribution of information about STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in the form of regular updates.
12 August 2016
National Philatelic Partnership agreed with the Swedish Philatelic Federation
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 and SFF Sveriges Filatelist-Förbund (“The Swedish Philatelic Federation”) has signed an agreement assigning SFF as National Philatelic Partner. The scope of the partnership is to address the philatelic market and philatelists nationally within Sweden.
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will create a huge interest for philately and stamp collecting in Sweden the next years’ to come, having SFF as national philatelic partner is essential for the conductance of the exhibition.
SFF has appointed Christer Karlsson as Project Manager for the project to be set up by SFF launched as soon as possible, and so Christer will also be assigned to the exhibition management of STOCKHOLMIA 2019. SFF’s main project addressing STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be further presented on SFF’s website www.sff.nu.
4 August 2016
Ari Muhonen appointed Philatelic Program Manager

We are very happy to welcome Ari Muhonen (Finland) to the exhibition management as Philatelic Program Manager. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 will be planned as a destination event and the venue STOCKHOLM WATERFRONT CONGRESS CENTRE offers a huge variety of space for an extensive philatelic program.
The philatelic program to be offered will be one of the corner stones for making STOCKHOLMIA 2019 as an attractive destination point for philatelists from all over the world.
Ari Muhonen is professionally working at the University of Jyväskylä; He is the former President of the Finnish Philatelic Federation and currently is the chairman of the Finnish Philatelic Commission of the Federation; He is the current delegate to the FIP Literature Commission; He is the webmaster of FEPA. Ari is also one of the leading scholars of Finnish postal history.
We are very happy to welcome Ari Muhonen to the exhibition management!
3 July 2016
Alex Haimann FRPSL becomes ”STOCKHOLMIA 2019 AMBASSADOR”

Forming the organisation to extensively market STOCKHOLMIA 2019 as ”The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of The Royal Philatelic Society London” we are happy to announce that Alex Haimann, residing in the United States, will be part of our marketing team as STOCKHOLMIA 2019 AMBASSADOR.
For over 20 years, Alex has dedicated himself to a wide variety of activities and leadership roles in organized philately across local, national and international levels.
Alex currently serves the U.S. National Federation (American Philatelic Society) as Chair of the Board of Vice Presidents. He also serves the Royal Philatelic Society London as a Representative at-Large in the United States. In support of the World Stamp Show - NY 2016 International Exhibition, Alex led the Liberty Club and Patron activities along with service as a member of the Organizing Committee.
If you are questioning for even a moment your attendance at STOCKHOLMIA 2019, contact Alex at haimannat@gmail.com - This will be a philatelic celebration unlike any other before it....join us at STOCKHOLMIA 2019, celebrate and be a part of philatelic history!
3 July 2016
Selection of advertisments prepared

Further to our Graphic Profile we have prepared advertisements to be used where ever there is a space available for us. We have prepared a selection of advertisments:
- 2 different Double-Page versions
- 6 different Full-Page versions
- 4 different Half-Page versions
The different versions as printable pdf-files are found Stockholmia 2019 Advertisements.
5 June 2016
Kjell Nilson taking on as STOCKHOLMIA
and Social Program Manager

With the ”Invitation to Become Patron” launched the other day follows the introduction of STOCKHOLMIA CLUB. The aim of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 is to develop and improve the existing standards for philatelic events worldwide, so it in the future may be recognised as a new milestone for organised philately. STOCKHOLMIA CLUB will be closely connected with responsibilities addressing social activities for our Partners, Sponsors and Supporters.
As organisers we aim to offer an extensive variety of social activities and so we are very happy to welcome Kjell Nilson as STOCKHOLMIA CLUB and Social Program Manager. Kjell is a very good philatelist and an experienced philatelic organiser. He was Exhibition Manager for NORDIA 2005 in Gothenburg, which became a great success and until now still is the most extensive NORDIA exhibition ever held.
5 June 2016
SUMMIT to be organised
7-9 APRIL 2017
Welcome to the PRE-STOCKHOLMIA PHILATELIC SUMMIT to organized by Corinphila, Köhler and their Partners in the Global Philatelic Network from 7 to 9 April 2017. The Summit will be chaired by Jonas Hällström and to be held at the STOCKHOLM WATERFRONT CONGRESS CENTRE. The seminars address collectors, exhibitors. Experienced judges, apprentice judges and philatelic judges and will discuss the choice of philatelic material with special attention on philatelic importance. The invitation is now online (link to invitation) and the deadline for applications (link to application) is 31 December 2016 (or when the Summit is fully booked).
31 May 2016
Invitation to Become a Patron
We would like to make it easy for all Fellows and Members around the world to participate. It is Your support that will help make this exhibition possible. Every contribution is valuable. We have a variety of options to enable you to support and become part of this significant event. You are invited to consider becoming a PATRON.
30 May 2016
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Internationally Launched in New York
At a presentation taking place in New York at the Javits Center, coinciding with the World Stamp Show NY 2016, STOCKHOLMIA 2019 was internationally launched for the first time. A full room with attendees (100+) showed up to listen to the concepts and plans for the exhibition. Frank Walton, the current President of the Royal Philatelic Society London, gave the background and introduced Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström to present the partners, concepts and targets for the exhibition. Karl Louis from the Global Philatelic Network gave statements on their commitments as Philatelic Partners. The presentation conducted in New York can be viewed from this link.
30-May-2016-STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Kick Off.pdf
Link to
Press Release
30 May 2016
H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden

At the international launch of STOCKHOLMIA 2019, taking place in New York today on 30 May in conjunction with 'World Stamp Show NY 2016', it was announced that H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden has graciously agreed be the Patron of STOCKHOLMIA 2019 when it takes place in Stockholm from 29 May to 2 June 2019. The second press release was distributed.
30 May 2016
The First Exhibition Flyer Introduced

The first exhibition flyer has been introduced giving statements on the scope for STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
5-6 March 2016
The First Management Team (MT) Meeting Conducted

The first Management Team (MT) meeting was conducted at STOCKHOLM WATERFRONT in Stockholm. STOCKHOLMIA 2019 MT currently comprise 11 stakeholders with commitments for the execution of the exhibition.
5 March 2016
Agreement with AIJP Signed in Stockholm

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 signed an agreement in Stockholm with the Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques AIJP for official AIJP Patronage. Wolfgang Maassen (left) is President of AIJP and Jonas Hällström (right) is Exhibition Manager of STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
18 February 2016
Press Information in London

At a press conference starting at 4.00pm at 41, Devonshire Place in London, the home for RPSL, Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström gave a press information to more than 100+ Fellows and Members of the Society about STOCKHOLMIA 2019 – The International Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Philatelic Society London. In addition, Dieter Michelson from the Global Philatelic Network announced their Philatelic Partnership for the exhibition. The first press release was distributed.
28-30 January 2016
Regional Meeting in Sweden at Högberga Gård

The Swedish Fellows and Members of the Royal Philatelic Society conducted a regional meeting in Sweden at Högberga Gård, outside Stockholm. Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström introduced the concepts for the exhibition and invited all Swedish members to commit themselves to work with the exhibition.
27 January 2016
Logotype Introduced and Presented

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 logotype is introduced and presented for the Council of the Royal Philatelic Society in London. Exhibition Manager Jonas Hällström gave a comprehensive presentation addressing the Council about the concepts and proceedings for the exhibition.
21 December 2015
Venue and Official Hotel Contract Signed

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 signs the contract with STOCKHOLM WATERFRONT CONGRESS CENTRE and RADISSON BLU WATERFRONT HOTEL being venue and official hotel for the exhibition.
4 December 2015
Philatelic Partnership Agreement Signed

STOCKHOLMIA 2019 Philatelic Partnership agreement was signed with Corinphila, Heinrich Köhler and their Partners in the Global Philatelic Network. The agreement was signed in conjunction with MonacoPhil in Monte Carlo. Jan Berg FRPSL (middle) Commissioner General with Karl Louis FRPSL (left) and Dieter Michelson FRPSL (right).
1 November 2015
The Project Directive Signed
24 September 2015
Invitation Letter Signed
Eva-Louise Erlandsson Slorach as being the President of the Stockholm City Council signs the invitation letter to the Royal Philatelic Society London to organise STOCKHOLMIA 2019 in Stockholm.
1 September 2015
Philatelic Head Patron Commited

Count Gustaf Douglas FRPSL agreed to take on the commitment as Philatelic Head Patron of STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
17 July 2015
Jonas Hällström conducted the first meeting at STOCKHOLM WATERFRONT CONGRESS CENTRE discussing the pre-conditions to organise STOCKHOLMIA 2019.
H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden Patron of STOCKHOLMIA 2019


Daniel Ryterband (USA)
Exhibit: A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails
Follow the live voting
by the 28 different judges, link
Presentation of

Press Information

Global Philatelic Network

Illustration: Global Philatelic Network from left:
H.R. Harmer,
Corinphila Veilingen,
Heinrich Koehler,
Corinphila Auktionen,
John Bull